Issue | Fix Version | Assignee | Priority | Status | Resolution | Resolved In Build |
JDK-2195929 | 7 | Tom Rodriguez | P2 | Closed | Fixed | b102 |
JDK-2197822 | 6u23 | Tom Rodriguez | P2 | Resolved | Fixed | b01 |
JDK-2199721 | 6u22m | Tom Rodriguez | P2 | Resolved | Fixed | b01 |
JDK-2197531 | 6u21p | Tom Rodriguez | P2 | Resolved | Fixed | b03 |
Here is a snippet of the assertion failure:
Internal Error (src/share/vm/code/compiledIC.cpp:617), pid=11439, tid=12
assert(is_clean() || is_call_to_compiled() || is_call_to_interpreted() ||
is_optimized() || is_megamorphic()) failed: sanity check
This is just a bug/failure sighting. The assertion failure was only seen
in one test in one configuration. I have no idea (yet) how reproducible
this failure is.
Here is a link to the failing configuration:
Here is a snippet from the hs_err file:
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x00000001005b2800): JavaThread "CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_in_vm, id=12, stack(0xffffffff60c00000,0xffffffff60d00000)]
Stack: [0xffffffff60c00000,0xffffffff60d00000], sp=0xffffffff60cfef50, free space=3fbffffffff7e4cfa40k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [];; __1cHVMErrorOreport_and_die6M_v_+0x6bc
V [];; __1cPreport_vm_error6Fpkci11_v_+0x78
V [];; __1cKCompiledICGverify6M_v_+0xa4
V [];; __1cHnmethodVcleanup_inline_caches6M_v_+0x2c0
V [];; __1cONMethodSweeperQsweep_code_cache6F_v_+0x8a0
V [];; __1cONMethodSweeperOpossibly_sweep6F_v_+0x90
V [];; __1cMCompileQdDueueDget6M_pnLCompileTask__+0x20
V [];; __1cNCompileBrokerUcompiler_thread_loop6F_v_+0x270
V [];; __1cKJavaThreadRthread_main_inner6M_v_+0x174
V [];; __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_+0x310
V [];; java_start+0x184
Here is another failure with a very similar call trace. This failure
crashed instead of failing an assert(), but it crashed in the code
that is part of the assert. The VM/NSK test is:
The failing config is Linux AMD64 Server VM -Xcomp:
Here is a link to the failing config:
Here is a snippet of the stack trace from the hs_err file:
Stack: [0x00007f3b98313000,0x00007f3b98414000], sp=0x00007f3b98412a20, free space=3fe0000000000000018k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [];; _ZNK10CompiledIC22is_call_to_interpretedEv+0xc6
V [];; _ZN10CompiledIC6verifyEv+0xaa
V [];; _ZN7nmethod21cleanup_inline_cachesEv+0x222
V [];; _ZN14NMethodSweeper15process_nmethodEP7nmethod+0x3eb
V [];; _ZN14NMethodSweeper16sweep_code_cacheEv+0xfe
V [];; _ZN14NMethodSweeper14possibly_sweepEv+0x73
V [];; _ZN12CompileQueue3getEv+0x13
V [];; _ZN13CompileBroker20compiler_thread_loopEv+0x194
V [];; _ZN10JavaThread17thread_main_innerEv+0xf6
V [];; _ZL10java_startP6Thread+0xf0
Also affects these tests in rt_baseline. Too bad that sweeper change seemed cool.
failes with the same message
- backported by
JDK-2197531 assert(is_clean() || is_call_to_compiled() || is_call_to_interpreted() || is_optimized() || is_megam
- Resolved
JDK-2197822 assert(is_clean() || is_call_to_compiled() || is_call_to_interpreted() || is_optimized() || is_megam
- Resolved
JDK-2199721 assert(is_clean() || is_call_to_compiled() || is_call_to_interpreted() || is_optimized() || is_megam
- Resolved
JDK-2195929 assert(is_clean() || is_call_to_compiled() || is_call_to_interpreted() || is_optimized() || is_megam
- Closed
- duplicates
JDK-6966246 Crash in nmethod::cleanup_inline_caches / CompiledIC::verify
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-6996747 SIGSEGV in nmethod::cleanup_inline_caches / CompiledIC::verify
- Closed
JDK-6962697 Crash in is_call_to_interpreted@CompiledIC / process_nmethod@NMethodSweeper
- Closed
JDK-6950075 nmethod sweeper should operate concurrently
- Resolved