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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6979444

add command line option to print command line flags descriptions


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • hs19
    • hs19
    • hotspot
    • None
    • b07
    • generic
    • generic
    • Not verified

        Here is a proposal to add printing of description of command line flags.
        These descriptions are present in sources but they are not passed to the Flag structure.

        There is an existing flag "-Xprintflags" that prints all flags and the default values.
        This proposal extands that feature.

        Here is a sample output of the proposed flag (formatting may go wrong below because of word wrapping)

        java -server -XprintFlagsWithComments
        [Global flags]
        ccstr AbortVMOnException = {notproduct} Call fatal if this exception is thrown. Example: java -XX:AbortVMOnExcepion=java.lang.NullPointerException Foo
        ccstr AbortVMOnExceptionMessage = {notproduct} Call fatal if the exception pointed by AbortVMOnException has this messag.
        uintx AdaptivePermSizeWeight = 20 {product} Weight for perm gen exponential resizing, between 0 and 100
        uintx AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor = 4 {product} Adaptive size scale down factor for shrinking
        uintx AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale = 10 {product} Time scale over which major costs decay
        uintx AdaptiveSizePausePolicy = 0 {product} Policy for changing generation size for pause goals
        uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin = 50 {product} If collection costs are within margin, reduce both by ful delta
        uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyGCTimeLimitThreshold = 5 Number of consecutive collections before gc time limit fires
        uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps = 20 {product} Number of steps where heuristics is used before data is used
        uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval = 0 {product} Collecton interval for printing information; zero => never
        uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyReadyThreshold = 5 Number of collections before the adaptive sizing is started
        uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight = 10 {product} Weight given to exponential resizing, between 0 and 100
        uintx AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy = 0 {product} Policy for changeing generation size for throughput goals
        uintx AdaptiveTimeWeight = 25 {product} Weight given to time in adaptive policy, between 0 and 100
         bool AdjustConcurrency = false {product} call thr_setconcurrency at thread create time to avoid LWP sarvation on MP systems (For Solaris Only)
         bool AggressiveOpts = false {product} Enable aggressive optimizations - see arguments.cpp
         intx AliasLevel = 3 {product} 0 for no aliasing, 1 for oop/field/static/array split, 2 forclass split, 3 for unique instances
         intx AlignEntryCode = 4 aligns entry code to specified value (in bytes)
         intx AllocatePrefetchDistance = -1 {product} Distance to prefetch ahead of allocation pointer

              ikrylov Ivan Krylov (Inactive)
              ikrylov Ivan Krylov (Inactive)
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