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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6980548

nsk/regression/b4660518 fails with Segmentation Fault


    • generic
    • generic



      fails with Segmentation


      core './ResultDir/b4660518/core' of 16524: /net/vmsqe.russia/export/jdk/re/7/promoted/ea/b106/binaries/solaris-i5
      ----------------- lwp# 1 / thread# 1 --------------------
       feecab75 __lwp_wait (2, 8047018) + 15
       feec4436 _thrp_join (2, 0, 804705c, 1) + 5a
       feec4578 thr_join (2, 0, 804705c, fef78e04) + 20
       fef78e4c ContinueInNewThread0 (fef72be4, 50000, 0, 80479e0) + 54
       fef72995 JLI_Launch (0, 8060a3c, 1, 0, 1, 0) + 1685
       08050809 main (6, 8047a98, 8047ab4, 8047a8c) + 6d
       0805070d _start (6, 8047b5c, 8047bae, 8047bb6, 8047bbd, 8047bd6) + 7d
      ----------------- lwp# 2 / thread# 2 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (8066c48, 8066c30, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (8066c00, 0, 0, 1) + b7
       fe2130ba __1cSObjectSynchronizerEwait6FnGHandle_xpnGThread__v_ (8066708, 0, 0, 8066000) + 446
       fe212a9b JVM_MonitorWait (8066118, fdeaebf0, 0, 0, efe373d0, fdeaec08) + 207
       fac5fd2e ???????? (0, 0, a0fe1f4e, 12a, fdeaec38, fdeaec38)
       facdafc4 ???????? (82c8c00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
       d69e6b60 ???????? (0, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 0)
       0000efe3 ???????? ()
      ----------------- lwp# 3 / thread# 3 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (806db48, 806db30, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (806db00, febf6af9, feec5280, fe94ebe6) + b7
       fe94f262 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (806c9b8, 1, 0, 0) + 68a
       fe12b9ae __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (806c978, 0, 0, 0) + 6a
       fe2a53de __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (806cc00, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 172
       fe9711df java_start (806cc00) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde40a00) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde40a00, 0, 0, d67feff8, feec74c0, fde40a00)
      ----------------- lwp# 4 / thread# 4 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (806f048, 806f030, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (806f000, 806c9c4, 0, 1) + b7
       fe94f262 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (806c9b8, 1, 0, 0) + 68a
       fe12b9ae __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (806c978, 1, 0, 0) + 6a
       fe2a53de __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (806e000, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 172
       fe9711df java_start (806e000) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde41200) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde41200, 0, 0, fdc8dff8, feec74c0, fde41200)
      ----------------- lwp# 5 / thread# 5 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (8070548, 8070530, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (8070500, 806c9b8, 806f000, 1) + b7
       fe94f262 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (806c9b8, 1, 0, 0) + 68a
       fe12b9ae __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (806c978, 2, 0, 0) + 6a
       fe2a53de __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (806f400, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 172
       fe9711df java_start (806f400) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde41a00) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde41a00, 0, 0, d677dff8, feec74c0, fde41a00)
      ----------------- lwp# 6 / thread# 6 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (8071948, 8071930, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (8071900, febf6af9, feec5280, fe94ebe6) + b7
       fe94f262 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (806c9b8, 1, 0, 0) + 68a
       fe12b9ae __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (806c978, 3, 0, 0) + 6a
       fe2a53de __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (8070800, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 172
       fe9711df java_start (8070800) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde42200) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde42200, 0, 0, d66fcff8, feec74c0, fde42200)
      ----------------- lwp# 7 / thread# 7 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (814ea48, 814ea30, d64c6d30) + 15
       feeb43fb _lwp_cond_timedwait (814ea48, 814ea30, d64c6d60, 0) + 35
       fe97b1c9 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6Mx_i_ (814ea00, 3e8, 0, fe94ebe6) + 195
       fe94f20c __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (80651e0, 1, 3e8, 0) + 634
       fe2b6e1c __1cIVMThreadDrun6M_v_ (814e000, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 224
       fe9711df java_start (814e000) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde42a00) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde42a00, 0, 0, d64c6ff8, feec74c0, fde42a00)
      ----------------- lwp# 8 / thread# 8 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (8151248, 8151230, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (8151200, 0, 0, 1) + b7
       fe2130ba __1cSObjectSynchronizerEwait6FnGHandle_xpnGThread__v_ (8150d34, 0, 0, 8150400) + 446
       fe212a9b JVM_MonitorWait (8150518, d6445b60, 0, 0, d6445b58, fac11d34) + 207
       fac0a1d2 ???????? (0, fac08179, 0, 0, efe00920, d6445b64)
       fac02ee1 ???????? (efe00920, 1, efe00920, d6445b90, d688bac6, d6445bd0)
       fac02ee1 ???????? (0, 0, efe00920, 0, efe00928, fec78000)
       fac003de ???????? (d6445c40, d6445e24, a, d688bb20, fac09160, d6445d44)
       fe15faff __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (d6445e20, d6445d28, d6445d40, 8150400) + 513
       fe15fecf __1cCosUos_exception_wrapper6FpFpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v2468_v_ (fe15f5ec, d6445e20, d6445d28, d6445d40, 8150400, 8150400) + 17
       fe21f9c6 __1cJJavaCallsMcall_virtual6FpnJJavaValue_nGHandle_nLKlassHandle_nMsymbolHandle_5pnGThread__v_ (d6445e20, 8150d20, 8150d24, fecd9984, fecd9cb8) + 152
       fe23e1ac __1cMthread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (8150400) + e0
       fe238f3a __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (8150400, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 2ea
       fe9711df java_start (8150400) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde43200) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde43200, 0, 0, d6445ff8, feec74c0, fde43200)
      ----------------- lwp# 9 / thread# 9 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (8155c48, 8155c30, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (8155c00, 0, 0, 1) + b7
       fe2130ba __1cSObjectSynchronizerEwait6FnGHandle_xpnGThread__v_ (81556e4, 0, 0, 8155000) + 446
       fe212a9b JVM_MonitorWait (8155118, d63f4aac, 0, 0, d63f4ad8, d63f4a74) + 207
       fac0a1d2 ???????? (0, fac08179, 0, 0, efe00a58, 1)
       fac02ee1 ???????? (0, 0, efe00a58, 0, 0, efe00a40)
       fac02fe9 ???????? (efe00a40, d63f4b24, d688db3b, d63f4b50, d688dde8, 0)
       fac02fe9 ???????? (0, efe00a68, fec78000, 1f80, fec78000, d688db58)
       fac003de ???????? (d63f4bc0, d63f4da4, a, d688db58, fac09160, d63f4cc4)
       fe15faff __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (d63f4da0, d63f4ca8, d63f4cc0, 8155000) + 513
       fe15fecf __1cCosUos_exception_wrapper6FpFpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v2468_v_ (fe15f5ec, d63f4da0, d63f4ca8, d63f4cc0, 8155000, 8155000) + 17
       fe21f9c6 __1cJJavaCallsMcall_virtual6FpnJJavaValue_nGHandle_nLKlassHandle_nMsymbolHandle_5pnGThread__v_ (d63f4da0, 81556d0, 81556d4, fecd9984, fecd9cb8) + 152
       fe23e1ac __1cMthread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (8155000) + e0
       fe238f3a __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (8155000, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 2ea
       fe9711df java_start (8155000) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde43a00) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde43a00, 0, 0, d63f4ff8, feec74c0, fde43a00)
      ----------------- lwp# 10 / thread# 10 --------------------
       feec7539 __lwp_park (fecd52f0, 0, d63a3a78, fe310e6b, fecd52f0, 0) + 19
       feebccb0 sema_wait (fecd52f0, 0, 0, fe310cb6) + d
       fe310e6b __1cCosLsignal_wait6F_i_ (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 1c3
       fe30f3d0 __1cTsignal_thread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (8165400) + 34
       fe238f3a __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (8165400, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 2ea
       fe9711df java_start (8165400) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde44200) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde44200, 0, 0, d63a3ff8, feec74c0, fde44200)
      ----------------- lwp# 11 / thread# 11 --------------------
       feec7539 __lwp_park (fecdaa78, 0, d6352c18, fe40f4b5, fecdaa78, fec78000) + 19
       feebccb0 sema_wait (fecdaa78, fec78000, d6352c18, fe40f3ce) + d
       fe40f4b5 __1cOAttachListenerHdequeue6F_pnPAttachOperation__ (d6352c38, fee6483e, fef3f5d0, 98, 98, fec78000) + f5
       fe40e35b __1cbCattach_listener_thread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (8166c00) + 43
       fe238f3a __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (8166c00, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 2ea
       fe9711df java_start (8166c00) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde44a00) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde44a00, 0, 0, d6352ff8, feec74c0, fde44a00)
      ----------------- lwp# 12 / thread# 12 --------------------
       feecb3c1 _door_return (0, 0, 0, 0) + 31
       fed90d3d door_create_func (0) + 29
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde45200) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde45200, 0, 0, d6301ff8, feec74c0, fde45200)
      ----------------- lwp# 13 / thread# 13 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (8169548, 8169530, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (8169500, febf6af9, 0, fe94b092) + b7
       fe94b343 __1cHMonitorFIWait6MpnGThread_x_i_ (8065a68, 8168400, 0, 0) + 2bf
       fe94ef25 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (8065a68, 0, 0, 0) + 34d
       fe291c19 __1cNCompileBrokerUcompiler_thread_loop6F_v_ (8168870) + 4c1
       fe29573c __1cVcompiler_thread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (8168400) + 18
       fe238f3a __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (8168400, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 2ea
       fe9711df java_start (8168400) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde45a00) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde45a00, 0, 0, d6202ff8, feec74c0, fde45a00)
      ----------------- lwp# 14 / thread# 14 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (816ba48, 816ba30, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (816ba00, febf6af9, 0, fe94b092) + b7
       fe94b343 __1cHMonitorFIWait6MpnGThread_x_i_ (8065a68, 816a400, 0, 0) + 2bf
       fe94ef25 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (8065a68, 0, 0, 0) + 34d
       fe291c19 __1cNCompileBrokerUcompiler_thread_loop6F_v_ (816ae20) + 4c1
       fe29573c __1cVcompiler_thread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (816a400) + 18
       fe238f3a __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (816a400, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 2ea
       fe9711df java_start (816a400) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde46200) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde46200, 0, 0, d6181ff8, feec74c0, fde46200)
      ----------------- lwp# 15 / thread# 15 --------------------
       feecac65 ___lwp_cond_wait (8212248, 8212230, 0, 1) + 15
       fe97afaf __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (8212200, febf6af9, 0, fe94ebe6) + b7
       fe94f262 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (80649c0, 1, 0, 0) + 68a
       fe309ec9 __1cRLowMemoryDetectorbGlow_memory_detector_thread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (8211800) + 2c1
       fe238f3a __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (8211800, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 2ea
       fe9711df java_start (8211800) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde46a00) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde46a00, 0, 0, d6100ff8, feec74c0, fde46a00)
      ----------------- lwp# 16 / thread# 16 --------------------
       feeca5b5 __pollsys (0, 0, d60afd20, 0) + 15
       fee6f672 poll (0, 0, 32, 0) + 52
       fe9764fe __1cIos_sleep6Fxb_i_ (32, 0, 0, fe9769c1) + 7ba
       fe976a5f __1cCosFsleep6FpnGThread_xb_i_ (8213800, 32, 0, 0) + af
       fe2c853e __1cNWatcherThreadDrun6M_v_ (8213800, fecd52c0, 0, fe970d5c) + 1d2
       fe9711df java_start (8213800) + 4df
       feec71d0 _thr_setup (fde47200) + 4e
       feec74c0 _lwp_start (fde47200, 0, 0, d60afff8, feec74c0, fde47200)
      ----------------- lwp# 17 / thread# 17 --------------------
       fe3ac873 __1cOAddressLiteral2t5B6MpCnJrelocInfoJrelocType__v_ (d5fe2274, fac2ce40, 6, 0) + b
       fe9f7c7c __1cNSharedRuntimeXgenerate_native_wrapper6FpnOMacroAssembler_nMmethodHandle_iipnJBasicType_pnJVMRegPair_4_pnHnmethod__ (d5fe4354, 8212b00, 4, 2, 8212698) + 548
       fe9eb445 __1cVAdapterHandlerLibraryVcreate_native_wrapper6FnMmethodHandle__pnHnmethod__ (8212b00, d5fe43ee, 82c8c00, fe15212a) + 535
       fe15261f __1cNCompileBrokerOcompile_method6FnMmethodHandle_i1ipkcpnGThread__pnHnmethod__ (8212b00, ffffffff, 0, 0, febec796, 82c8c00) + 503
       fe8b792c __1cMLinkResolverbEruntime_resolve_special_method6FrnICallInfo_nMmethodHandle_nLKlassHandle_4bpnGThread__v_ (d5fe4ac4, 8212af8, 8212ae8, 8212af4, 1, 82c8c00) + 4dc
       fe8b6866 __1cMLinkResolverUresolve_special_call6FrnICallInfo_nLKlassHandle_nMsymbolHandle_43bpnGThread__v_ (d5fe4ac4, 8212ae8, 8212aec, 8212af0, 8212af4, 1) + a8e
       fe135326 __1cMLinkResolverOresolve_invoke6FrnICallInfo_nGHandle_nSconstantPoolHandle_inJBytecodesECode_pnGThread__v_ (d5fe4ac4, 8212adc, 8212ae0, 13, b7, 82c8c00) + 23a
       fe9e5118 __1cNSharedRuntimeSresolve_sub_helper6FpnKJavaThread_bbpnGThread__nMmethodHandle__ (d5fe4dd4, 82c8c00, 1, 1, 82c8c00, d5fe50e8) + 8e0
       fe9e7c14 __1cNSharedRuntimebAresolve_opt_virtual_call_C6FpnKJavaThread__pC_ (82c8c00) + 3c
       fac2d0ec ???????? (0, 2ac, d68db2c0, efe0a4e0, efe04b60, faceda0c)
       faceda30 ???????? (efe04b60, 0, efe06fd0, 0, 1, d6800820)
       d68e5680 ???????? (7, facedca8, 0, 2ac, efe0a4e0, efe06f98)
       faceb1ac ???????? ()

            coleenp Coleen Phillimore
            kzhaldyb Kirill Zhaldybin (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
