Resolution: Duplicate
Bug description:The case is failed due to no message displayed on the panel.
Testsuite name: AWT
JDK/JRE tested: 1.7.0b110
OS/architecture: winxppro-sp3-x86
Reproducible: Always
Reproducible on machine:
[If sometimes] Also reproducible on machine:
Is it a platform specific regression: N [If yes] Is it a new platform support:
N [If yes] Regression relative to OS version:
Is it a Regression :Y
[If yes] Regression introduced in release/build:7b108
Test result on FCS:Not complete
Test run log location:http://jsqalab.sfbay.sun.com/results/Evergreen/7/1.7.0b110/awt/winxppro-sp3-i586/Standalone_awt_2010_09_20_11_37_42/Administrator.Windows_XP.x86/PropertyListener/PropertyListener.log
Test case: AWT_SystemTray/Manual/PropertyListener
#Steps to reproduce:
1. Download 7u test workspace
2. Modify the parameter of sample_arg.txt
JAVA_HOME=C:/Java k1.7.0b110
STABLE_JAVA=C:/Java k1.7.0b110
3. Run: ksh Run_Standalone.ksh -a sample_arg.txt
Case description as below:
1.Click the Panel(Task bar) to the 'Top' of the screen.
2.Click on the 'Display Message' button, you can see the DisplayMessage on the 'Below'the Panel(Task bar)(Top of the screen).
#Actual behavior:
There is no message displayed on the panel.
1.Same platform/1.7.0b109
32bit(jdk-7-ea-bin-b109-windows-i586-09_sep_2010.exe) :Fail
2.Same build/winvista: Fail
3.Same build/winxp-x64: Fail
Testsuite name: AWT
JDK/JRE tested: 1.7.0b110
OS/architecture: winxppro-sp3-x86
Reproducible: Always
Reproducible on machine:
[If sometimes] Also reproducible on machine:
Is it a platform specific regression: N [If yes] Is it a new platform support:
N [If yes] Regression relative to OS version:
Is it a Regression :Y
[If yes] Regression introduced in release/build:7b108
Test result on FCS:Not complete
Test run log location:http://jsqalab.sfbay.sun.com/results/Evergreen/7/1.7.0b110/awt/winxppro-sp3-i586/Standalone_awt_2010_09_20_11_37_42/Administrator.Windows_XP.x86/PropertyListener/PropertyListener.log
Test case: AWT_SystemTray/Manual/PropertyListener
#Steps to reproduce:
1. Download 7u test workspace
2. Modify the parameter of sample_arg.txt
JAVA_HOME=C:/Java k1.7.0b110
STABLE_JAVA=C:/Java k1.7.0b110
3. Run: ksh Run_Standalone.ksh -a sample_arg.txt
Case description as below:
1.Click the Panel(Task bar) to the 'Top' of the screen.
2.Click on the 'Display Message' button, you can see the DisplayMessage on the 'Below'the Panel(Task bar)(Top of the screen).
#Actual behavior:
There is no message displayed on the panel.
1.Same platform/1.7.0b109
32bit(jdk-7-ea-bin-b109-windows-i586-09_sep_2010.exe) :Fail
2.Same build/winvista: Fail
3.Same build/winxp-x64: Fail
- duplicates
JDK-6996708 The event on the tray icon does not trigger and there is no message printed.
- Closed