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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6989750

ld warnings in the build ld: warning: mapfile: text segment


    • generic
    • generic

      Can we either get rid of the mapfiles, or update them?

      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void instanceKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void objArrayKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void lower_pressure(LRG*,unsigned,Block*,unsigned*,unsigned*)' does not appear in file `ifg.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%int get_live_bit(int*,int)' does not appear in file `buildOopMap.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%double raw_score(double,double)' does not appear in file `chaitin.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void set_live_bit(int*,int)' does not appear in file `buildOopMap.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post(Node*,const PhaseIdealLoop*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void typeArrayKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void PSPromotionManager::flush_prefetch_queue()' does not appear in file `psPromotionManager.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void clr_live_bit(int*,int)' does not appear in file `buildOopMap.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%symbolOopDesc*oopFactory::new_symbol(const char*,int,Thread*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%unsigned char*utf8_write(unsigned char*,unsigned short)' does not appear in file `utf8.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void record_bias(const PhaseIFG*,int,int)' does not appear in file `coalesce.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%Node*remove_useless_bool(IfNode*,PhaseGVN*)' does not appear in file `ifnode.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_initial_state(int)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%_jobject*ciObject::encoding()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%methodOopDesc*Klass::lookup_method(symbolOopDesc*,symbolOopDesc*)const' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%OopFlow*OopFlow::make(Arena*,int)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%const Type*Type::widen(const Type*)const' does not appear in file `type.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%const Type*AddPNode::mach_bottom_type(const MachNode*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%ciMethod*ciEnv::get_method_by_index_impl(ciInstanceKlass*,int,Bytecodes::Code)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%ciMethod*ciEnv::get_method_by_index(ciInstanceKlass*,int,Bytecodes::Code)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void frame::oops_code_blob_do(OopClosure*,const RegisterMap*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%const Type*TypeInt::widen(const Type*)const' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%ciSymbol::ciSymbol(symbolHandle)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%unsigned chunk_oops_do(OopClosure*,Chunk*,char*)' does not appear in file `handles.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void Thread::oops_do(OopClosure*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void JavaThread::oops_do(OopClosure*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%int Bytecode_invoke::index()const' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void jni_check_async_exceptions(JavaThread*)' does not appear in file `jni.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void GraphKit::set_all_memory_call(Node*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%symbolOopDesc*SymbolTable::probe(const char*,int)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%symbolOopDesc*Bytecode_invoke::signature()const' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void BufferBlob::oops_do(OopClosure*)' does not appear in file `codeBlob.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%unsigned MemoryPool::max_size()const' does not appear in file `memoryPool.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%BasicType runtime_type_from(JavaValue*)' does not appear in file `javaCalls.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%InlineTree::InlineTree(Compile*,const InlineTree*,ciMethod*,JVMState*,int,float)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%int java_lang_String::length(oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void nmethod::oops_do(OopClosure*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void GC_locker::lock_critical(JavaThread*)' does not appear in file `jni.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%int ConstantPoolCacheEntry::bytecode_number(Bytecodes::Code)' does not appear in file `cpCacheOop.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void symbolKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void constMethodKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void methodKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%Node*GraphKit::set_results_for_java_call(CallJavaNode*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%ciConstant ciEnv::get_constant_by_index_impl(ciInstanceKlass*,int)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%ciConstant ciEnv::get_constant_by_index(ciInstanceKlass*,int)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%IfNode*GraphKit::create_and_xform_if(Node*,Node*,float,float)' does not appear in file `graphKit.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void copy_u2_with_conversion(unsigned short*,unsigned short*,int)' does not appear in file `classFileParser.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%CallGenerator*CallGenerator::for_direct_call(ciMethod*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void klassKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void instanceKlass::copy_static_fields(PSPromotionManager*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void instanceKlassKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void constantPoolKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void PrefetchQueue::clear()' does not appear in file `psPromotionManager.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*shrI_eReg_immNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*addI_eReg_immNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void instanceRefKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%klassOopDesc*instanceKlassKlass::allocate_instance_klass(int,int,int,int,ReferenceType,Thread*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%klassOopDesc*oopFactory::new_instanceKlass(int,int,int,int,ReferenceType,Thread*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%int ClassFileParser::compute_oop_map_size(instanceKlassHandle,int,int)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void VTune::end_class_load()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void VTune::start_class_load()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void constantPoolCacheKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%unsigned char*SharedRuntime::raw_exception_handler_for_return_address(unsigned char*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%unsigned char*SharedRuntime::exception_handler_for_return_address(unsigned char*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*addI_eRegNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*subI_eRegNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void jni_invoke_nonstatic(JNIEnv_*,JavaValue*,_jobject*,JNICallType,_jmethodID*,JNI_ArgumentPusher*,Thread*)' does not appear in file `jni.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%ScopeDesc::ScopeDesc(const nmethod*,int)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*cmpFastUnlockNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%instanceOopDesc*alloc_object(_jclass*,Thread*)' does not appear in file `jni.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*incI_eRegNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late(VectorSet&,Node_List&,Node_Stack&,const PhaseIdealLoop*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_early(VectorSet&,Node_List&,Node_Stack&,const PhaseIdealLoop*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void frame::nmethods_do()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%const TypeOopPtr*TypeOopPtr::make_from_constant(ciObject*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void VMThread::oops_do(OopClosure*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*salI_eReg_immNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void GCMemoryManager::gc_begin()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void GCMemoryManager::gc_end()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void NMethodSweeper::sweep()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void RuntimeStub::oops_do(OopClosure*)' does not appear in file `codeBlob.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*shlI_eReg_1Node::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*decI_eRegNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*safePoint_pollNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*andI_eReg_immNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*i2sNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*cmpFastLockNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void mangle_name_on(outputStream*,symbolOopDesc*,int,int)' does not appear in file `nativeLookup.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*orI_eRegNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void mangle_name_on(outputStream*,symbolOopDesc*)' does not appear in file `nativeLookup.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%const Type*TypeLong::widen(const Type*)const' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void adjust_check(Node*,Node*,Node*,int,int,PhaseIterGVN*)' does not appear in file `ifnode.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void VTune::register_stub(const char*,unsigned char*,unsigned char*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void nmFlags::clear()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void VTune::create_nmethod(nmethod*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void OopRecorder::copy_to(CodeBlob*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void final_graph_reshaping_walk(Node_Stack&,Node*,Final_Reshape_Counts&)' does not appear in file `compile.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void Exceptions::_throw(Thread*,const char*,int,Handle)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*loadConI0Node::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*cmpL_reg_flags_LTGENode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*cmpL_LTGENode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*rep_stosNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void methodDataKlass::oop_copy_contents(PSPromotionManager*,oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void Thread::nmethods_do()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%typeArrayOopDesc*java_lang_String::value(oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%int java_lang_String::offset(oopDesc*)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%unsigned char*lookup_special_native(char*)' does not appear in file `nativeLookup.o'
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*shrI_eReg_1Node::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%void JavaThread::nmethods_do()' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*sarI_eReg_immNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*sarI_eReg_1Node::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file
      ld: warning: mapfile: text segment: section `.text%MachNode*addL_eReg_immNode::Expand(State*,Node_List&)' does not appear in any input file

      and more....

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