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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6993396

Applet fails to reload after selecting "Reload" in AppletViewer's menu and "pass/fail" disappear

    • 2d
    • generic, x86
    • generic, windows_xp

      Bug Description: Applet fails to reload after selecting "Reload" in AppletViewer's menu and "pass/fail" buttons disappear
      Testsuite name: 2D
      JDK/JRE tested: jdk6u23b02(jdk-6u23-fcs-bin-b02-windows-i586-14_oct_2010)
      Reproducible: Always
      Is it a platform specific regression: N
      Is it a Regression: Not sure

      Test run log location: http://jsqalab.sfbay.sun.com/results/Evergreen/6u23/6u23b02/2d/winxppro-sp3-i586/work/java/awt/image/GifReloadingTest/

      Test run result location: http://jsqalab.sfbay.sun.com/results/Evergreen/6u23/6u23b02/2d/winxppro-sp3-i586/work/

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Install test bundle 6u23b02 from http://jre.sfbay.sun.com/java/re/jdk/6u23/promoted/fcs/b02/bundles/windows-i586/ to C:/jdk1.6.0_23
      2. Install Jtreg from http://jre.sfbay.sun.com/java/re/jtreg/3.2.2_03/promoted/latest/binaries/jtreg/ to C:/jct3.2
      3. Download and unzip ws from http://jdksrc.sfbay.sun.com/hg/6u23/Jcg/j2se to C:/test
      4. Please refer to the attachment reg_2d.sh. Modify the reg_2d.sh as:
      5.Make printer work fine.
      6.From command line, run “sh reg_2d.sh “.
      7.After Jtreg launched, choose view filter, choose keyword and mark it as manual. Run the case java/awt/image/GifReloadingTest/GifReloadingTest.sh. And case instruction are as follows:

      You will see a wide image drawn on the applet's panel.The image must be animated with a period of one or two seconds.
      Select "Reload" in AppletViewer's menu and force the applet to reload.After the reloading you should see the same image.It must be animated with the period of one or two second.If so, press pass. Else, if no image will appear or image will not be animated,press fail

      Actual behavior:
      Applet fails to reload after selecting "Reload" in AppletViewer's menu and "pass/fail" buttons disappear.


            bae Andrew Brygin
            tonyli Tony Li (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
