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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6999033

Methods BorderFactory.createSoftBevelBorder() don't return SoftBevelBorder instances


    • b121
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified

      Platform: Any
      JDK : 7b100+

      Methods BorderFactory.createSoftBevelBorder(...) added with http://ccc.sfbay/5066685


       "Creates a beveled border with ... and softened corners"

      so it's expected for these methods to return SoftBevelBorder instance.

      however methods

          public static Border createSoftBevelBorder(int type, Color highlight, Color shadow) {
          public static Border createSoftBevelBorder(int type, Color highlightOuter, Color highlightInner, Color shadowOuter, Color shadowInner) {

      return BevelBorder instance.

      For example:

           * Creates a beveled border of the specified type with softened corners,
           * using the specified colors for the inner and outer edges
           * of the highlight and the shadow areas.
           * The type is either {@link BevelBorder#RAISED} or {@link BevelBorder#LOWERED}.
           * Note: The shadow inner and outer colors are switched
           * for a lowered bevel border.
           * @param type a type of a bevel
           * @param highlightOuter a color of the outer edge of the highlight area
           * @param highlightInner a color of the inner edge of the highlight area
           * @param shadowOuter a color of the outer edge of the shadow area
           * @param shadowInner a color of the inner edge of the shadow area
           * @return the {@code Border} object
           * @see BevelBorder#BevelBorder(int, Color, Color, Color, Color)
           * @since 1.7
          public static Border createSoftBevelBorder(int type, Color highlightOuter, Color highlightInner, Color shadowOuter, Color shadowInner) {
              return new BevelBorder(type, highlightOuter, highlightInner, shadowOuter, shadowInner);

      So factory methods createBevelBorder and createSoftBevelBorder return equal results.

            malenkov Sergey Malenkov (Inactive)
            dbessono Dmitry Bessonov
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