Incorrect COPYRIGHT_YEAR string displayed in HTML Converter About dialog
* Tested build: jdk7-b121 PIT
* Platforms: All
*** Steps to reproduce:
1) Instasll the jdk7-b121 PIT at the above PIT bundle location
2) Launch HTML Coverter
<jdk_install>/bin/HTMLConverter -gui
3) From HTMLConverter gui, go to Help-->About
If you see "... @@COPYRIGHT_YEAR@@...." then the issue is reproducible
* Tested build: jdk7-b121 PIT
* Platforms: All
*** Steps to reproduce:
1) Instasll the jdk7-b121 PIT at the above PIT bundle location
2) Launch HTML Coverter
<jdk_install>/bin/HTMLConverter -gui
3) From HTMLConverter gui, go to Help-->About
If you see "... @@COPYRIGHT_YEAR@@...." then the issue is reproducible
- duplicates
JDK-7006171 Token for copyright year not replaced with value in in HtmlConverter About... panel
- Closed