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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-7009309

JSR 292: compiler/6991596/Test6991596.java crashes on fastdebug JDK7/b122


    • b03
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified


        # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
        # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x0000091a, pid=23925, tid=15
        # JRE version: 7.0-b123
        # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (20.0-b05-internal-201012241616.et151817.hs20b05-ci-fastdebug compiled mode solaris-x86 )
        # Problematic frame:
        # C 0x0000091a
        [error occurred during error reporting (printing problematic frame), id 0xb]

        # An error report file with more information is saved as:
        # /export/local/40838.HSX.PIT.VM+solaris-i586_javase__server_comp_JT_HS/results/workDir/compiler/6991596/Test6991596/hs_err_pid23925.log
        # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
        # http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
        VM option '+StartAttachListener'
        VM option '+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions'
        VM option '+EnableMethodHandles'
        VM option '+EnableInvokeDynamic'
        VM option '+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions'
        VM option '+VerifyMethodHandles'
        Current thread is 15
        Dumping core ...
        Native stack of thread 15 is:

         ce6cab25 _lwp_kill (f, 6) + 15
         ce671ee3 raise (6) + 1f
         ce651d1d abort (ce3a77b8, 5bc9c92f, 0, 0, 50, 0) + cd
         cd85ba50 void os::abort(bool) (1, ce267241, 1, ce3c16c0) + 118
         cdd2e732 void VMError::report_and_die() (a4363830, a436392c, 0, cdd2f3f0) + a46
         cdd2f446 void crash_handler(int,siginfo*,void*) (b, 0, a436392c) + 66
         ce6c75df __sighndlr (b, 0, a436392c, cdd2f3e0) + f
         ce6bd2a0 call_user_handler (b, 0, a436392c) + 22b
         ce6bd3ca sigacthandler (b, 0, a436392c) + 65
        Here is the whole backtrace for thread 15 gathered by pstack:

        ----------------- lwp# 15 / thread# 15 --------------------
         ce6cab25 _lwp_kill (f, 6) + 15
         ce671ee3 raise (6) + 1f
         ce651d1d abort (ce3a77b8, 5bc9c92f, 0, 0, 50, 0) + cd
         cd85ba50 void os::abort(bool) (1, ce267241, 1, ce3c16c0) + 118
         cdd2e732 void VMError::report_and_die() (a4363830, a436392c, 0, cdd2f3f0) + a46
         cdd2f446 void crash_handler(int,siginfo*,void*) (b, 0, a436392c) + 66
         ce6c75df __sighndlr (b, 0, a436392c, cdd2f3e0) + f
         ce6bd2a0 call_user_handler (b, 0, a436392c) + 22b
         ce6bd3ca sigacthandler (b, 0, a436392c) + 65
         --- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
         ce645a91 strlen (8284a80, 91a, a4363bc4, ccb1cb61) + 31
         ccb1cc05 Decoder::decoder_status Decoder::decode(unsigned char*,const char*,char*,int,int*) (5bc9ccfa, 91a, ce3cf698, 7d0, a4363c6c, a4363c10) + b5
         cd85bfd8 bool os::dll_address_to_function_name(unsigned char*,char*,int,int*) (91a, ce3cf698, 7d0, a4363c6c) + 74
         ccc2677f void frame::print_on_error(outputStream*,char*,int,bool)const (a4363d10, a4364020, ce3cf698, 7d0, 0, ce3100d8) + 403
         cdd2dc1e void VMError::report(outputStream*) (a4365ab0, a4364020, 7d0, ce3c16c0) + 12c2
         cdd2e241 void VMError::report_and_die() (a43640a0, a436419c, 0, cdd2f3f0) + 555
         cdd2f446 void crash_handler(int,siginfo*,void*) (b, 0, a436419c) + 66
         ce6c75df __sighndlr (b, 0, a436419c, cdd2f3e0) + f
         ce6bd2a0 call_user_handler (b, 0, a436419c) + 22b
         ce6bd3ca sigacthandler (b, 0, a436419c) + 65
         --- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
         cd8505ab void os::print_hex_dump(outputStream*,unsigned char*,unsigned char*,int) (a43647a0, 8fa, 93a, 1) + e7
         cd876210 void os::print_context(outputStream*,void*) (a43647a0) + 198
         cdd2cef1 void VMError::report(outputStream*) (a4365ab0, a43647a0, 7d0, ce3c16c0) + 595
         cdd2e241 void VMError::report_and_die() (a4364820, a436491c, 0, cdd2f3f0) + 555
         cdd2f446 void crash_handler(int,siginfo*,void*) (b, 0, a436491c) + 66
         ce6c75df __sighndlr (b, 0, a436491c, cdd2f3e0) + f
         ce6bd2a0 call_user_handler (b, 0, a436491c) + 22b
         ce6bd3ca sigacthandler (b, 0, a436491c) + 65
         --- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
         ce645a91 strlen (82847d0, 91a, a4364bb4, ccb1cb61) + 31
         ccb1cc05 Decoder::decoder_status Decoder::decode(unsigned char*,const char*,char*,int,int*) (5bc9bd0a, 91a, ce3cf698, 7d0, a4364c5c, a4364c00) + b5
         cd85bfd8 bool os::dll_address_to_function_name(unsigned char*,char*,int,int*) (91a, ce3cf698, 7d0, a4364c5c) + 74
         ccc2677f void frame::print_on_error(outputStream*,char*,int,bool)const (a4364cc0, a4365010, ce3cf698, 7d0, 0) + 403
         cdd2db92 void VMError::report(outputStream*) (a4365ab0, a4365010, 7d0, ce3c16c0) + 1236
         cdd2e241 void VMError::report_and_die() (a4365090, a436518c, 0, cdd2f3f0) + 555
         cdd2f446 void crash_handler(int,siginfo*,void*) (b, 0, a436518c) + 66
         ce6c75df __sighndlr (b, 0, a436518c, cdd2f3e0) + f
         ce6bd2a0 call_user_handler (b, 0, a436518c) + 22b
         ce6bd3ca sigacthandler (b, 0, a436518c) + 65
         --- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
         ce645a91 strlen (81c39f0, 91a, a4365424, ccb1cb61) + 31
         ccb1cc05 Decoder::decoder_status Decoder::decode(unsigned char*,const char*,char*,int,int*) (5bc9b49a, 91a, ce3cf698, 7d0, a43654cc, a4365470) + b5
         cd85bfd8 bool os::dll_address_to_function_name(unsigned char*,char*,int,int*) (91a, ce3cf698, 7d0, a43654cc) + 74
         ccc2677f void frame::print_on_error(outputStream*,char*,int,bool)const (a4365530, a4365840, ce3cf698, 7d0, 0) + 403
         cdd2db92 void VMError::report(outputStream*) (a4365ab0, a4365840, 7d0, ce3c16f8) + 1236
         cdd2e7f4 void VMError::report_and_die() (a4365ab0, a4365be0) + b08
         cd875bca JVM_handle_solaris_signal (b, a4365de0, a4365be0, 1) + bf2
         cd868bba signalHandler (b, a4365de0, a4365be0) + 26
         ce6c75df __sighndlr (b, a4365de0, a4365be0, cd868b94) + f
         ce6bd2a0 call_user_handler (b, a4365de0, a4365be0) + 22b
         ce6bd3ca sigacthandler (b, a4365de0, a4365be0) + 65
         --- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
         0000091a ???????? (8, 0, bddfd9c0, 846b400, a4aaae38, bddfd8a0) + 5b553a72
         a4aacea8 ???????? () + 9ca49688

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              iprivaloorcl Igor Privalov (Inactive)
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