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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-7014247

CTW fails when compile sun/misc/AtomicLongCSImpl (REMOVED from JDK7)


    • b08
    • x86
    • generic
    • Verified

        The HS20 b08 (and b07) with JDK6 (u21p) fails CTW test.
        The test name is:

        It fails during compilation of AtomicLongCSImpl which is removed in JDK 7.
        It coould cause issues during usage of atomic in JDK 6.

        Test fails in b07 however this ctw job fails and was not restarted. We don't test fastdebug in promotion!

        To reproduce use (on intelsdv13):
        /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/comp/vm/jdk/hsx/hs20/pit/08/jdk6u25b01/fastdebug/linux-i586/bin/java -client -XX:+StartAttachListener -XX:-ShowMessageBoxOnError -Xverify:all -XX:+CompileTheWorld -XX:CompileTheWorldStartAt=17340 -XX:CompileTheWorldStopAt=17341 -XX:LogFile=hotspot_17340.log -XX:MaxPermSize=384M -Xmx512M -Xbootclasspath/p:/net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/comp/vm/jdk/hsx/hs20/pit/08/jdk6u25b01/fastdebug/linux-i586/jre/lib/rt.jar
        The failure is:

        # Internal Error (/net/hsdev-8/export/iggy/7014247-atomiclong/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIR.cpp:261), pid=23596, tid=9
        # assert(!result_opr()->is_register() || !result_opr()->is_oop_register()) failed: can't produce oops from arith
        [7] report_vm_error(file = 0xfe840139 "/net/hsdev-8/export/iggy/7014247-atomiclong/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIR.cpp", line = 261, error_msg = 0xfe840180 "assert(!result_opr()->is_register() || !result_opr()->is_oop_register()) failed", detail_msg = 0xfe8401d0 "can't produce oops from arith"), line 216 in "debug.cpp"
          [8] LIR_Op2::verify(this = 0x8be6ad8), line 261 in "c1_LIR.cpp"
          [9] LIR_List::append(this = 0x8be6938, op = 0x8be6ad8), line 1855 in "c1_LIR.hpp"
          [10] LIR_List::add(this = 0x8be6938, left = 0xa501b, right = 0x8be6ac8, res = 0xa501b), line 2016 in "c1_LIR.hpp"
          [11] LIRGenerator::do_AttemptUpdate(this = 0xc331c77c, x = 0x8be6018), line 737 in "c1_LIRGenerator_x86.cpp"
          [12] LIRGenerator::do_Intrinsic(this = 0xc331c77c, x = 0x8be6018), line 2656 in "c1_LIRGenerator.cpp"
          [13] Intrinsic::visit(this = 0x8be6018, v = 0xc331c77c), line 1397 in "c1_Instruction.hpp"
          [14] LIRGenerator::do_root(this = 0xc331c77c, instr = 0x8be6018), line 381 in "c1_LIRGenerator.cpp"
          [15] LIRGenerator::block_do(this = 0xc331c77c, block = 0x8be5a50), line 362 in "c1_LIRGenerator.cpp"
          [16] BlockList::iterate_forward(this = 0x8be6508, closure = 0xc331c780), line 851 in "c1_Instruction.cpp"
          [17] IR::iterate_linear_scan_order(this = 0x8be5820, closure = 0xc331c780), line 1121 in "c1_IR.cpp"
          [18] Compilation::emit_lir(this = 0xc331ca14), line 184 in "c1_Compilation.cpp"
          [19] Compilation::compile_java_method(this = 0xc331ca14), line 323 in "c1_Compilation.cpp"
          [20] Compilation::compile_method(this = 0xc331ca14), line 382 in "c1_Compilation.cpp"
          [21] Compilation::Compilation(this = 0xc331ca14, compiler = 0x818e570, env = 0xc331cc50, method = 0x8bdb0b8, osr_bci = -1, buffer_blob = 0xfbcdd288), line 486 in "c1_Compilation.cpp"
          [22] Compiler::compile_method(this = 0x818e570, env = 0xc331cc50, method = 0x8bdb0b8, entry_bci = -1), line 110 in "c1_Compiler.cpp"

              iveresov Igor Veresov
              lmesnik Leonid Mesnik
              0 Vote for this issue
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