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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-7014785

Autodownload servlet: digital sign of Java WebStart JRE auto install expired


    • generic, x86, sparc
    • generic, linux_oracle_6.0, solaris_7, windows_xp

      Environment : Windows XP or later.
      And customer installed JRE 1.6.0_20 on it.

      If customer create the JavaWeb Start application with following JNLP entry.
      This meeens that it need the JRE 1.6.0_23 for running the application.

      <j2se version="1.6.0_23" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"/>

      Then JavaWeb Start automatically try to download and install the JRE from above URL.
      After download the JRE 1.6.0_23,customer noticed that digital sign had expired.
      Actaually the installer of 1.6.0_23 had followig expiration date.

      [From: Thu Mar 30 09:00:00 JST 2006,
       To: Fri May 01 08:59:59 JST 2009]

      So always warning message is showed when cutomer try to download the latest JRE.

      So could you update the digital sigh of the Verisign certificate?
      I attached the image of warning windows as Japanese locale.
      What does the warning message say?
      I have tried b05 and the promoted build of 6u23 and the installer is not indicating that there is an issue with the certificate. Can you provide the build number that this was reported on.
      Attachment and failure mode with this bug is identical to bug about JNLP downloads not working. We ae no seeing the certificate issue so we have asked Sean to comment on the certs in the keystore.
      This issue was seen during sanity testing of 6u24-b71 after it went live.
      It was tested on XP x64 - auto updating from 6u23 to 6u24 -b71. Appears to
      be a intermittent issue. Second attempt of manual update was successful.
      Need to have a test case to repruce the problem

            miroslawzn Miroslaw Niemiec (Inactive)
            yterada Yoshio Terada (Inactive)
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