Resolution: Other
To reproduce,
Run Busgter with JDK 7 and compare with JDK6 build used in this test were JDK7 0 b130 and 6u22.
Some of the difference include
1. New Priority Justification field is a text area, with atleast 4 to 5 lines visible. With JDK7 I could see only 1 line at a time, with the drop arrows. Check JDK7-Bugster-1
2. Open any CR, and click on the right arrow in the Product section. This will bring a pop up windows with just the title visible. In JDK 6, you'll see the whole window. You need to drag the window to see the contents. JDK7-Bugster-2
Run Busgter with JDK 7 and compare with JDK6 build used in this test were JDK7 0 b130 and 6u22.
Some of the difference include
1. New Priority Justification field is a text area, with atleast 4 to 5 lines visible. With JDK7 I could see only 1 line at a time, with the drop arrows. Check JDK7-Bugster-1
2. Open any CR, and click on the right arrow in the Product section. This will bring a pop up windows with just the title visible. In JDK 6, you'll see the whole window. You need to drag the window to see the contents. JDK7-Bugster-2