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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-7024922

AWT JTextFiled does not get focus on a window creation when outer frame is SWTTh


    • generic
    • windows

      This can be a AWT or SWT problem. Evaluation is needed.

      A simple SWT-AWT testcase DialogTest.java demonstrates the following issue:
      A Frame is created as SWT_AWT.new_Frame(new Composite(shell, SWT.EMBEDDED))
      Than JDialog with JTextFields are added to a Frame.
      When Frame is displayed and gets a focus - the inner JTextField does not get a focus!
      When user switches to another app and then back to this testcase the inner JTextField does get a focus as expected.

      A similar testcase written entirely on AWT works as exoected. See DialogTestPureAWT.java. Both testcases are attached.

      This can be reproduced JDK6u23 and JDK7b131.

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            ikrylov Ivan Krylov (Inactive)
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