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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-7032961

API files in java.lang need to updated for references to JVM with editions/hyperlinks


    • b140
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      Following files have references to JVM with specific editions or hyperlinks to the specification:

      ./lang/instrument/ClassFileTransformer.html: of <i>The Java Virtual Machine Specification</i>, to mean a sequence
      ./lang/Class.html: the format specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification,
      ./lang/Class.html: Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition</dd>
      ./lang/Class.html: specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition</dd>
      ./lang/ClassLoader.html: Machine Specification</a>.</dd><dd><code>off</code> - The start offset in <tt>b</tt> of the class data</dd><dd><code>len</code> - The length of the class data</dd>
      ./lang/ClassLoader.html: Machine Specification</a>.</dd><dd><code>off</code> - The start offset in <tt>b</tt> of the class data</dd><dd><code>len</code> - The length of the class data</dd>
      ./lang/ClassLoader.html: Machine Specification</a>.</dd><dd><code>off</code> - The start offset in <tt>b</tt> of the class data</dd><dd><code>len</code> - The length of the class data</dd><dd><code>protectionDomain</code> - The ProtectionDomain of the class</dd>
      ./lang/ClassLoader.html: Machine Specification</a>.</dd><dd><code>protectionDomain</code> - The ProtectionDomain of the class, or <tt>null</tt>.</dd>
      ./lang/String.html: Virtual Machine Specification</a>. The behaviour on a
      ./lang/String.html: Virtual Machine Specification</a>. The behaviour on a
      ./lang/reflect/Constructor.html: the format specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification,
      ./lang/reflect/Constructor.html: specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition</dd>
      ./lang/reflect/Constructor.html: specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition</dd>
      ./lang/reflect/Field.html: Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition</dd>
      ./lang/reflect/Method.html: the format specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification,
      ./lang/reflect/Method.html: specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition</dd>
      ./lang/reflect/Method.html: specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition</dd>
      ./lang/reflect/Method.html: specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition</dd>
      ./lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration.html: the format specified in the Java Virtual Machine Specification,
      ./lang/reflect/Modifier.html: Java</i><sup><small>TM</small></sup> <i>Virtual Machine Specification, Second
      ./lang/reflect/Modifier.html: Java Language Specification, Second Edition</em></a> sections
      ./lang/reflect/Modifier.html:<dt><span class="strong">See <cite><a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/"> The Java Language Specification, Third Edition</a></cite>:</span></dt>
      ./lang/reflect/Modifier.html:<dt><span class="strong">See <cite><a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/"> The Java Language Specification, Third Edition</a></cite>:</span></dt>
      ./lang/reflect/Modifier.html:<dt><span class="strong">See <cite><a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/"> The Java Language Specification, Third Edition</a></cite>:</span></dt>
      ./lang/reflect/Modifier.html:<dt><span class="strong">See <cite><a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/"> The Java Language Specification, Third Edition</a></cite>:</span></dt>
      ./lang/reflect/Modifier.html:<dt><span class="strong">See <cite><a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/"> The Java Language Specification, Third Edition</a></cite>:</span></dt>
      ./lang/instrument/Instrumentation.html: Specification</a> specifies that a subsequent attempt to resolve a symbolic
      ./lang/instrument/Instrumentation.html: Specification</a> specifies that a subsequent attempt to resolve a symbolic

            jjh James Holmlund (Inactive)
            sogoel Sonali Goel (Inactive)
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