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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-7045441

locking analysis and other possible improvements for Logging API


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • tbd
    • 8
    • core-libs
    • None

      During investigation of the following bug fix:

          6977677 3/2 Deadlock on logging subsystem initialization

      I did a detailed crawl through the uses of locking in LogManager.java
      and Logger.java. I took detailed notes and dropped them into the code
      in the form of comments. I also made some improvements to the code
      that aren't related to locking, but I still thought they might be useful.

      I'm attaching the "hg diff" output as locking_notes.diff.

      The most important of the possible changes are in the use of
      double-check locking during LogManager initialization:

      diff -r 9861df231e9e src/share/classes/java/util/logging/LogManager.java
      --- a/src/share/classes/java/util/logging/LogManager.java Mon May 16 12:58:48 2011 -0700
      +++ b/src/share/classes/java/util/logging/LogManager.java Mon May 16 17:21:42 2011 -0600

      @@ -161,13 +161,12 @@
           private LogNode root = new LogNode(null);
           private Logger rootLogger;

      - // Have we done the primordial reading of the configuration file?
      + // Has a thread started the primordial reading of the configuration file?
           // (Must be done after a suitable amount of java.lang.System
           // initialization has been done)
      - private volatile boolean readPrimordialConfiguration;
      - // Have we initialized global (root) handlers yet?
      - // This gets set to false in readConfiguration
      - private boolean initializedGlobalHandlers = true;
      + private boolean isReadingOrHasReadPrimordialConfiguration;
      + // don't need to init global LoggerHandlers until config is read
      + private boolean needToInitGlobalHandlers = false;
           // True if JVM death is imminent and the exit hook has been called.
           private boolean deathImminent;

      @@ -268,34 +284,83 @@
               return manager;

      - private void readPrimordialConfiguration() {
      - if (!readPrimordialConfiguration) {
      - synchronized (this) {
      - if (!readPrimordialConfiguration) {
      - // If System.in/out/err are null, it's a good
      - // indication that we're still in the
      - // bootstrapping phase
      - if (System.out == null) {
      - return;
      - }
      - readPrimordialConfiguration = true;
      - try {
      - AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
      - public Object run() throws Exception {
      - readConfiguration();
      +// - this method uses the double-check idiom which does not work with
      +// non-volatile, non-primitive values; see Josh Bloch's "Effective Java",
      +// Item 48: Synchronize access to share mutable data.
      +// - added in JDK1.4.2-B05 as part of the fix for the following bug:
      +// 4747357 4/3 Logging should be initialized lazily
      +// when it was added, readPrimordialConfiguration was set to true at
      +// the bottom of the synchronized block
      +// - the doPrivileged() wrapper was added in JDK1.4.2-B05 by the fix for
      +// the following bug:
      +// 4761452 3/3 Logging API tests failing on latest TL 1.4.2
      +// - the setting of readPrimordialConfiguration to true was moved before
      +// the call to readConfiguration() in JDK1.4.2-B08 by the fix for the
      +// following bug:
      +// 4775066 4/4 NSK/LOGGING test readcfg003 fails in both client and server VM
      +// the variable should have been renamed to reflect that fact that it
      +// is now marks two different states; also, I don't like having a
      +// field and a method with the same name
      +// - because of the use of double-check locking, it is possible for a
      +// racing thread to by-pass the synchronization check and observe
      +// intermediate state in the non-volatile objects setup by
      +// readConfiguration() or redirectPlatformLoggers()
      +// Conclusion: needs synchronization on every call

      - // Platform loggers begin to delegate to java.util.logging.Logger
      - sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger.redirectPlatformLoggers();
      + // Synchronization is required on every call to this method. The
      + // first non-bootstrapping call will initialize non-volatile objects
      + // in addition to primitive types so double-check locking will not
      + // work here.
      + private synchronized void readPrimordialConfiguration() {
      + if (isReadingOrHasReadPrimordialConfiguration) {
      + // There are three reasons for being in this block:
      + // 1) The readConfiguration() or redirectPlatformLoggers()
      + // calls below can cause a recursive call to this method
      + // by the thread that is doing the primordial reading.
      + // This check catches that case and prevents infinite
      + // recursion. Reminder: monitors can be recursively
      + // entered by the same thread in Java which is why this
      + // block of code can see the "is reading" state.
      + // 2) A thread that is racing with the thread that is doing
      + // the primordial reading gets here after it acquires the
      + // monitor, but there is no work left to do. This is a
      + // case of the "has read" state.
      + // 3) A thread making a simple logging call gets here after
      + // it acquires the monitor, but there is no work to do.
      + // This is another "has read" state and is really the
      + // same as the previous case, but it is called out
      + // specifically to make it clear that every call has to
      + // go through this dance.
      + return;
      + }

      - return null;
      - }
      - });
      - } catch (Exception ex) {
      - // System.err.println("Can't read logging configuration:");
      - // ex.printStackTrace();
      - }
      + // If System.in/out/err are null, it's a good indication that
      + // we're still in the bootstrapping phase
      + if (System.out == null) {
      + return;
      + }
      + // Only one thread needs to do the primordial reading of the
      + // configuration file so mark that the job is being done
      + isReadingOrHasReadPrimordialConfiguration = true;
      + try {
      + AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
      + public Object run() throws Exception {
      + readConfiguration(); // can cause recursion
      + // Platform loggers begin to delegate to
      + // java.util.logging.Logger; can cause recursion
      + sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger.redirectPlatformLoggers();
      + return null;
      - }
      + });
      + } catch (Exception ex) {
      + // We quietly suppress any exceptions during primordial config
      + // Uncomment the following for debugging purposes only:
      + // System.err.println("Can't read logging configuration:");
      + // ex.printStackTrace();
      During the code review of the following bug fix:

          6977677 3/2 Deadlock on logging subsystem initialization

      Karen commented on the new DeadLocking4.java test:

      > When we get to JDK8 I suspect that the LoggingDeadlock4.java test will
      > need cleaning up so it doesn't depend on the awt package.
      During the code review of the following bug fix:

          7016208 4/3 null sometimes returned by java.util.logging.Logger.
                         getLogger(String name) in -server -Xcomp

      some interesting comments arose and I want to record them here.

      One of Tom's comments:

      > You can drop newLogger completely and just use result as in
      > result = new Logger(name, null);
      > You can also just use a while loop instead of an if/do/while.
      > Logger result = getLogger(name);
      > while (result == null) {
      > result = new Logger(name, null);
      > if (addLogger(result)) {
      > return result;
      > }
      > result = getLogger(name);
      > }
      > return result;

      One of Mandy's comments:

      > LogManager.java
      > Retrying in a while loop is one way to fix weak ref / gc timing issue.
      > What about if you refactor the addLogger method to add a new private
      > private method equivalent to addLogger (say add(Logger)) that will return
      > logger if added successfully or the other logger if the logger's name
      > already registered.
      > The addLogger method will return add(logger) != logger. The synchronization
      > will be done in the new add method.
      > Would this fix 7016208? It seems to me that addLogger returning boolean
      > is the cause for this bug.

            dfuchs Daniel Fuchs
            dcubed Daniel Daugherty
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