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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-7157742

Evaluate the behavior of Window.setBounds() in the MAXIMIZED_BOTH state


    • generic
    • generic

      The behavior of the Window.setBounds() method is not specified when the window is in the MAXIMIZED_BOTH extended state (or any other than NORMAL state for that matter).

      We need to investigate how native platforms behave in this regard, and specify the behavior in AWT javadoc. This may require some changes to the existing logic in order to unify the behavior across platforms.

      Note that when fixing 7124428 it has become clear that a setBounds() call for an undecorated window being in the MAXIMIZED_BOTH state may not produce the correct result: the peer may still consider the window maximized while on the native level the window will lose its zoomed state.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            anthony Anthony Petrov (Inactive)
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