This is a SUNBUG for 100208:
Patch including both the logic fix and the test.
Revised version of the patch versus JDK8 attached as ParseFloat.patch.
Patch including both the logic fix and the test.
Revised version of the patch versus JDK8 attached as ParseFloat.patch.
- duplicates
JDK-6358355 Direct String-to-float conversion does not preserve monotonicity
- Closed
JDK-7019078 Double.parseDouble() converts some subnormal numbers incorrectly
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-8024356 Double.parseDouble() is slow for long Strings
- Closed
JDK-8008333 Examine FormattedFloatingDecimal fork of FloatingDecimal for fixes not propagated from the latter
- Closed
JDK-6358355 Direct String-to-float conversion does not preserve monotonicity
- Closed
JDK-7032154 Performance tuning of sun.misc.FloatingDecimal/FormattedFloatingDecimal
- Closed
(1 relates to)