Test is performed on windows 7 and 2008 zh_CN, but the problem may also happen on windows in other locales.
Compile and run attached Java program, HostFormatTest.java, with adapter setting Djava.locale.providers=HOST
The pattern string of short date contains one extra empty space in the end. It's "yyyy/M/d ", but the actual pattern string on windows is "yyyy/M/d". There is no empty space in the end of the text. For DateFormat.Long, same problem is also there. The screenshot of output is attached.
This problem is minor because the extra empty space in the end of the pattern text will not affect the format result.
Compile and run attached Java program, HostFormatTest.java, with adapter setting Djava.locale.providers=HOST
The pattern string of short date contains one extra empty space in the end. It's "yyyy/M/d ", but the actual pattern string on windows is "yyyy/M/d". There is no empty space in the end of the text. For DateFormat.Long, same problem is also there. The screenshot of output is attached.
This problem is minor because the extra empty space in the end of the pattern text will not affect the format result.