install/make/installer/bundles/windows/ishield/jre/Makefile has a build target called 'setup_installer_files:' that starts with this pipeline of commands:
$(CD) $(CURRENTDIR)/jre/; $(FIND) . -depth | $(GREP) -v "SCCS" | $(CPIO) -pdum $(JREISHIELDDIR)/
The directory $(CURRENTDIR)/jre/ does not exist, making it unclear what the rest of the pipeline is doing and whether the results are correct.
Refer to attached RE build log (original filename /java/re/jdk/8/nightly/logs/b65-2012-11-15_494/build-windows-i586-product.log) at line #120434,5 for the error in context:
cd C:/jdk8_32P/jdk8/install/make/INSTAL~1/bundles/windows/ishield/jre/jre/; C:/mks/mksnt/find . -depth | C:/mks/mksnt/grep -v "SCCS" | C:/mks/mksnt/cpio -pdum C:/jdk8_32P/jdk8/build/windows-i586/tmp/ishield/patch/jre/
cd: C:/jdk8_32P/jdk8/install/make/INSTAL~1/bundles/windows/ishield/jre/jre/: The system cannot find the file specified.
$(CD) $(CURRENTDIR)/jre/; $(FIND) . -depth | $(GREP) -v "SCCS" | $(CPIO) -pdum $(JREISHIELDDIR)/
The directory $(CURRENTDIR)/jre/ does not exist, making it unclear what the rest of the pipeline is doing and whether the results are correct.
Refer to attached RE build log (original filename /java/re/jdk/8/nightly/logs/b65-2012-11-15_494/build-windows-i586-product.log) at line #120434,5 for the error in context:
cd C:/jdk8_32P/jdk8/install/make/INSTAL~1/bundles/windows/ishield/jre/jre/; C:/mks/mksnt/find . -depth | C:/mks/mksnt/grep -v "SCCS" | C:/mks/mksnt/cpio -pdum C:/jdk8_32P/jdk8/build/windows-i586/tmp/ishield/patch/jre/
cd: C:/jdk8_32P/jdk8/install/make/INSTAL~1/bundles/windows/ishield/jre/jre/: The system cannot find the file specified.