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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8003728

Enable check box on JCP Java tab list should be disabled if plug-in is disabled


        The existing list of Java runtimes on a user's system is contained within a window that is accessed from the Java tab of the Java Control Panel. Each of the items on the list represents a JRE. On the Mac, there should only be one and the "Enabled" check box cannot be changed.

        On Windows, the "Enabled" check boxes are enabled and changeable.

        With the introduction of the Enable Java in the browser check box on the Security tab, this behavior needs to be coordinated. If Java in the browser is disabled, then there is no need for these check boxes and their value will be ignored. On Windows, they should be disabled or even hidden in this state. On Mac (and possibly Linux), it's not clear that this check box has any value at all and therefore should be hidden at all times.

              vrao Vivek Rao (Inactive)
              jmhoffma Jeff Hoffman
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
