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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8006626

FileChooser: Folder name label is cut in some special circumstances


      Testsuite name: Swing
      Product(s) tested: 7u14b01 i586
      OS/architecture: Windows

      Error log file (if present): No

      Reproducible: Always
      Reproducible on machine: Any

      Is it a Regression: No
      Test result on FCS: Fail (1.7.0 build 128)

      Is it a platform specific issue: No

      Test run log location:
      Steps to reproduce:
      1) Install tested jdk and demo packages;
      2) run FileChooserDemo.jar from demo packages using command:
      <path_to_tested_java>/java -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel -Duser.language=es -jar FileChooserDemo.jar

      (Nimbus LAF and Spanish locale is used);
      3) Click "Show FileChooser": dialog is opened;
      4) Click "Cancelar": "No file chosen" dialog is opened;
      5) Click "Aceptar": dialog is hidden;
      6) Switch radiobutton to "Just Select Directories" value in "Files and Directory options" (click on it);
      7) Click "Show FileChooser";
      Actual result: label cut with three dots at the end: "Nombre de la Carp..." (example is in attached file 1.png)
      Expected result: full text "Nombre de la Carpeta" is shown (example is in attached file 2.png: after resize the dialog; 3.png: if do "steps to reproduce" but skipping steps #3-5).

      Same issue when using zh_TW locale (when run with parameters :
      -Duser.language=zh -Duser.country=TW
      in step #2, screenshot:4.png),
      "it" locale (-Duser.language=it in step #2, screenshot: 5.png).

        1. 5.png
          21 kB
        2. 4.png
          21 kB
        3. 3.png
          22 kB
        4. 2.png
          11 kB
        5. 1.png
          22 kB

            psadhukhan Prasanta Sadhukhan
            kvkonsta Ksenofontov Konstantin (Inactive)
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            3 Start watching this issue
