* @ignore // syntax not sure yet.
When the test is run via -ignore:run, it fails like this:
Tests for MultiCatch
FAILED: multiCatch1
ComparisionException: Unexpected position for annotation : TB
Expected: [EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, exception_index = 1, pos = -1]
Found: [EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, exception_index = 0, pos = -1]
FAILED: multiCatch2
ComparisionException: Unexpected position for annotation : TB
Expected: [EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, exception_index = 1, pos = -1]
Found: [EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, exception_index = 0, pos = -1]
2 total tests: 0 PASSED, 2 FAILED
* @ignore // syntax not sure yet.
When the test is run via -ignore:run, it fails like this:
Tests for MultiCatch
FAILED: multiCatch1
ComparisionException: Unexpected position for annotation : TB
Expected: [EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, exception_index = 1, pos = -1]
Found: [EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, exception_index = 0, pos = -1]
FAILED: multiCatch2
ComparisionException: Unexpected position for annotation : TB
Expected: [EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, exception_index = 1, pos = -1]
Found: [EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, exception_index = 0, pos = -1]
2 total tests: 0 PASSED, 2 FAILED