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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8011700

More compatibility issues reported by André Bargull on nashorn-dev


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 8
    • 8
    • core-libs
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified

      Message from André Bargull on nashorn-dev quoted below:


      Here are some more test cases which don't yet work as expected in Nashorn.

      - André

      var o = {a:1,b:2,c:3}; for (var x in o) {if (x=='a')delete o.b; print(x)}
      => should only print "a" and "b"

      => should return 0

      => should return 0 instead of 4294967295

      Also visible in other places where ToUint32() is used, e.g.
      Array.prototype.map.call({length: 9223372036854775807, get 0(){print("get 0")}}, function(){}).length
      => should return 0 instead of 4294967295

      => should return 10 instead of NaN

      Array.prototype.map.call({length: -1, get 0(){throw 0}}, function(){}).length
      => should throw instead of returning 4294967295

      parseInt("90071992547409990",10) === 90071992547409990
      => should return true

      => should return "%00" instead of "%0"

      => should return 39 instead of 313

      08in {}
      => should throw a syntax error

      => should return 0 instead of 1

      "aa".split(/(a)/, 1).length
      => should return 1 instead of 2

      "abc".split("", 1).length
      => should return 1 instead of 3

      "aa".split((r = /a/, r.lastIndex = {valueOf:function(){throw 2}}, r))
      => should not throw an exception

      (function(a){ Object.defineProperty(arguments,"0",{get value(){print("get value"); return 0}}); return a })(1)
      => should print "get value" only once

      (function(k){ arguments[0]=1; return k })()
      => should return `undefined` instead of `1`

      (function(k){var a=eval("arguments"); return a[0]})(1)
      => should return `1` instead of `undefined`

      "abc".replace("c", function(){return "$&"})
      => should return "a$&c" instead of "abc"

      And some miscellaneous RegExp compatibility issues:

      => should return true

      => should return true instead of throwing an exception

      => should return true instead of false

      => should return true instead of false

      => should return true instead of false

      => web compatibility issue (quantifier allowed after positive lookahead)

      => web compatibility issue (quantifier allowed after negative lookahead)

      => returns true but should return false

      => should return false instead of true

      => should return false instead of true

      => should return true instead of false

      => should return true instead of false

      => should return true instead of false

      => should not throw SyntaxError

      => should not throw SyntaxError

      => should return true instead of false

      /[ [^]/.test("a")
      => should return false instead of true

      /[^\S\s]/.test(" ")
      => should return false instead of true

      => should return true instead of false

      => should throw a SyntaxError (given that /[a-\d]/ also throws a SyntaxError in Nashorn, but compare SpiderMonkey vs. JSC/V8)

      And two more less easy to fix RegExp bugs:

      => should return "foobar,,,,b,a,r" instead of "foobar,f,o,o,b,a,r"

      => should return "aab,b" instead of "aab,"

            hannesw Hannes Wallnoefer
            hannesw Hannes Wallnoefer
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