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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8015323

Type annotations on method incorrectly written to classfile


      If class InnerAnnon is instanciated, type annotations on ia_m1() are incorrectly written to classfile.
      They are all written as Runtime(In)VisibleAnnotations,

            0: #16()
            1: #17()
            0: #19()
            1: #20()

      If the declaration for IA is commented out, they are written as expected:
            0: #16()
            0: #18()
            0: #20(): METHOD_RETURN
            1: #16(): METHOD_RETURN
            0: #22(): METHOD_RETURN
            1: #18(): METHOD_RETURN

      Compile this as Test1.java and run javap -v Test1$1$InnerAnon

      import java.lang.annotation.*;
      import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
      import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
      import java.util.List;

      class Test1<T> {
          Object mtest( Test1<T> t){ return null; }
          Object mmtest( Test1<T> t){ return null; }

          public void test() {
              mtest( new Test1<T>() {
                      class InnerAnon<U> { // Test1$1$InnerAnon.class
                          @A @B @C @D String ia_m1(){ return null; };
          //If this is commented out, annotations are attributed correctly
                      InnerAnon<String> IA = new InnerAnon< String>();

      @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE_USE,FIELD}) @interface A { }
      @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE_USE,METHOD}) @interface B { }
      @Retention(CLASS) @Target({TYPE_USE,FIELD}) @interface C { }
      @Retention(CLASS) @Target({TYPE_USE,METHOD}) @interface D { }

            emc Eric Mccorkle
            ssides Steve Sides
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            2 Start watching this issue
