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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8015376

Remove jnlp and applet files from the JDK samples


    • b09

        jnlp and applet files were removed from the JavaFX sample bundle:
        With the recent security-related changes, we want to remove the applet and jnlp binary files from the samples bundle. They are not Oracle-signed, and we think they might cause confusion.
        Please see https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-30092

        But there are applets and jnlps in JDK samples and they cause confusion. For ex when I try to launch 7u25 b12 demo - jdk1.7.0_25/demo/applets/Animator/example1.html with the default security settings(High) there is an "Applicaion Blocked" dialog. If I set the security level to Medium there is a "Security Warning" with the information that the application is unsigned and "Running this application may be a security risk"

              dtitov Daniil Titov (Inactive)
              pstepano Polina Stepanova (Inactive)
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              8 Start watching this issue
