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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8019497

There is no the message "-Xmx256m" in the java console


    • sparc
    • solaris

      Bundle:Jre7u40b30 32bit
      Platform:Solaris 10 sun4u

      Steps:(this test case is from /8/deployment2/new_framework/tests/common/manual/unifyJRESetting/testcases/unifyJRESettingScenarios/testPassingRuntimeArgstoNonDefaultJRE.html)

      1.Install the public latest JRE from java.com
      2.Copy the installed jre directory to the local location. (e.g. simply copy binary jre c:\program files\java\jre7 to c:\jre)
      3.Uninstall the JRE
      4.Install the test JRE
      5.Launch the Java Control Panel
      6.Click "Java" tab
      7.Click "View..." Java Runtime Environment Settings
      8.Click "User" tab
      9.The copy of public jre(c:\jre) should not be in the list(Only the test jre is avaible)
      10.Click "Find" button
      11.Follow the JRE Finder instruction to specify the path to the copy of jre.(with the exmaple, it should be c:\jre)
      12.The JRE Finder should be able to locate the copy of jre.
      13.Click "Finish". The jre should be added to the Java Runtime Environment Setting's 's User tab
      14.For the entry associated with the local jre(not test jre), enter '-Xmx256m' under 'Runtime Parameters' column
      15.Under 'Enabled' column, uncheck all the boxes and only check the box associated with private jre
      16.Enable Java console
      17.Use the browser to invoke a jnlp applet from http://localhost:8080/unifyJRESetting/html/testHelloWorld_JNLP.html
      18.Accept the unsigned security warning dialog
      19.Press 's' from within Java console
      20.Expected behavior: 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' should be listed in the java console

      The actual result:
      There is no the message "-Xmx256m" in the java console.Please refer to 1.jpg

            dtitov Daniil Titov (Inactive)
            michaelw Michael Wang (Inactive)
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