Resolution: Other
Machine (PC) releated registry keys are added under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC- ......
there is a problem for roaming profile user which switch to a different worksatation and there is not exactly the same java build installed like on their own workstation. this will break the propper functionality of java. in a enviroment with a few thousend workstation we are not able to install/update all at the same time! Those machine releated registry entries shouldn't be stored under HKCU,
it should stored only in HKLM. Of course this is only a problem if you use
different installation folders for the java runtimes...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@= " Java Plug-in 1.7.0 "
@= " C:\\Program Files\\JavaRT_E1721\\bin\\jp2iexp.dll "
" ThreadingModel " = " Apartment "
and you have just C:\Program Files\JavaRT_E1717 installed :-/
This is not a problem of the JRE installation, but I wasn't able to choose a better category.
Don't write machine related registry in the HKCU part .....
Machine (PC) releated registry keys are added under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{CAFEEFAC- ......
there is a problem for roaming profile user which switch to a different worksatation and there is not exactly the same java build installed like on their own workstation. this will break the propper functionality of java. in a enviroment with a few thousend workstation we are not able to install/update all at the same time! Those machine releated registry entries shouldn't be stored under HKCU,
it should stored only in HKLM. Of course this is only a problem if you use
different installation folders for the java runtimes...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@= " Java Plug-in 1.7.0 "
@= " C:\\Program Files\\JavaRT_E1721\\bin\\jp2iexp.dll "
" ThreadingModel " = " Apartment "
and you have just C:\Program Files\JavaRT_E1717 installed :-/
This is not a problem of the JRE installation, but I wasn't able to choose a better category.
Don't write machine related registry in the HKCU part .....