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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8023343

DRS: when jnlp location is unknown, it just doesn't match rules with location. It doesn't skip DRS check


      Testing env: 64 bit win7, 7u40 nightly bundle http://rehudson.us.oracle.com:8080/hudson/view/deploy/job/7u_deploy-1-prebuild/ build #59

      Steps to reproduce:
      - download http://rehte.cn.oracle.com:8080/wshost/reproduce/drsfullpath/DeploymentRuleSet.jar
      - copy DeploymentRuleSet.jar to deployment system home
      The ruleset is
      <ruleset version="1.0">
           <id location="http://*.cn.oracle.com:8080"/>
           <action permission="run"/>
      <!-- block everything else -->
           <action permission="block" message="we don't want to run anything else"/>
      - open browser to load http://rehte.cn.oracle.com:8080/wshost/reproduce/drsfullpath/jnlp/testSelfsignedSandboxJNLPNoFullHref.jnlp
      - if it is blocked, bug is reproduced. According to the description in https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-8023178, "If JNLP has no href, no DRS rule will match it. ", Seems it just skip the DRS rule with location, but it doesn't skip all DRS check

            herrick Andy Herrick (Inactive)
            qgong Fred Gong (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
