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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8023392

Swing text components printed with spaces between chars


    • b110
    • generic
    • generic

        Swing text comp printed with unexpected spaces between chars, possible
        6488219 regression.

        Other (swing/java.awt.print issue, bad text/label printout result)
        General description of the problem
          Customer is migrating an applet from 1.3 to 6. When some applet is printed
        using java.awt.print.* and Printable interface, some text (JLabel or JList)
        is printed with unexpected spaces between characters, as if the text is
        expanded to span evenly in its bounds.

        Following is an example of label of 9 chars width. With 1.3, the label "abc"
        is printed as left-justified, but on 6u37, characters are printed as if "a
        b c". Same thing happens with a JList.
        On display, they are shown as left justified (same as 1.3 case)

        |abc | // 1.3
        |a b c| // 6u37

          1. SimplePrint2.java
            9 kB
          2. Should be printed.jpg
            Should be printed.jpg
            34 kB
          3. Printed Now.jpg
            Printed Now.jpg
            33 kB
          4. On Screen.jpg
            On Screen.jpg
            27 kB

              anashaty Anton Nashatyrev (Inactive)
              anashaty Anton Nashatyrev (Inactive)
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