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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8023881

IDN.USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES option is too strict to use Unicode in IDN.toASCII


    • b108
    • Verified

        IDN.toASCII("示例.com", IDN.USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES) throws:

            Exception ... java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Contains non-LDH characters
        at java.net.IDN.toASCIIInternal(IDN.java:275)
        at java.net.IDN.toASCII(IDN.java:118)

        Per step 3, section 4.1, RFC 3490:

           3. If the UseSTD3ASCIIRules flag is set, then perform these checks:

             (a) Verify the absence of non-LDH ASCII code points; that is, the
                 absence of 0..2C, 2E..2F, 3A..40, 5B..60, and 7B..7F.

             (b) Verify the absence of leading and trailing hyphen-minus; that
                 is, the absence of U+002D at the beginning and end of the

        However, in the impl of IDN is checking far more strictly than above:

        private static String toASCIIInternal(String label, int flag)
            if (useSTD3ASCIIRules) {
                for (int i = 0; i < dest.length(); i++) {
                    int c = dest.charAt(i);
                    if (!isLDHChar(c)) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Contains non-LDH characters");

        private static boolean isLDHChar(int ch){
            // high runner case
            if(ch > 0x007A){
                return false;

        isLDHChar() does not accept Unicode bigger than 0x007A. For example
        "0x3041" ("あ") is denied. It is too strict to convert Unicode with IDN.toASCII().

        I run a simple test with an Internationalized Domain Names command line
        tool, idn, on linux:

        $ idn --usestd3asciirules www.示例.com

        It means that Unicode is acceptable to IDN toASCII conversion (idn tool) even the
        UseSTD3ASCIIRules is set.

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