EA Build Version (please include all output from java -version flag):
Not possible in the moment, because the HW is currently used in the context of series development and no longer contains the Java SE8
However, we downloaded that version "ejdk-8-ea-b91-linux-arm-sflt-23_may_2013.tar.gz"
Operating System Configuration Information (be specific):
Cross compiled ptxdist from pengutronix by this: GNU GCC Version gcc-4.7.2-glibc-2.16.0-binutils-2.22-kernel-3.6-sanitized
Kernel 3.8.13
Hardware Configuration Information (be specific):
uc: iMX286CVM4BR2, core: ARM926EJ-STM 512MB Flash, 256MB Ram
Bug Description:
Report from the developer:
we start our application and it crashes.
if look at the java crash dumps, you can see that it is the same error every time, regardless of which profile you run.This tells me that it is a fixed bug, not some mysterious timing problem, so it should be relatively easy pin point it.
Steps to Reproduce (be specific):
Just start the application. However, it will be difficult to provide you the application, because the product is very innovative and therefore very restricted in sharing..
Not possible in the moment, because the HW is currently used in the context of series development and no longer contains the Java SE8
However, we downloaded that version "ejdk-8-ea-b91-linux-arm-sflt-23_may_2013.tar.gz"
Operating System Configuration Information (be specific):
Cross compiled ptxdist from pengutronix by this: GNU GCC Version gcc-4.7.2-glibc-2.16.0-binutils-2.22-kernel-3.6-sanitized
Kernel 3.8.13
Hardware Configuration Information (be specific):
uc: iMX286CVM4BR2, core: ARM926EJ-STM 512MB Flash, 256MB Ram
Bug Description:
Report from the developer:
we start our application and it crashes.
if look at the java crash dumps, you can see that it is the same error every time, regardless of which profile you run.This tells me that it is a fixed bug, not some mysterious timing problem, so it should be relatively easy pin point it.
Steps to Reproduce (be specific):
Just start the application. However, it will be difficult to provide you the application, because the product is very innovative and therefore very restricted in sharing..