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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8026308

The window doesn't be minimized after clicking the ShowDesktop.


    • x86, sparc
    • linux_ubuntu, solaris_10

      Testsuite name:AWT function
      Test name(s):AWT_Modality/Manual/ModalityBasicCheck
      Product(s) tested:JDK6u65b11(64bit)

      Case Instruction:
      Note : Incase of Assertion failure user can enter any remarks by pressing
      'Assertion Fail Remarks'.
      (1)This test is applicable for Windows and GNOME/JDS Window managers only.
      Select 'new Frame' from 'Select Window' choice, 'Not-Set' from 'Select Modal Exclusion Type' choice, 'visible' radio-button, enter 300 in the 'y' text field and click the 'SetDetails' button.

      (2)This should open a frame.Now select 'new Dialog' from 'Select Window' choice, 'Frame : 0' from 'Select Parent' choice, 'Document Modal' from 'Select Modality' choice, 'Visible' radio-button and click the 'SetDetails' button.

      (3)This should open a dialog which should block the Frame.Now select 'new Window' from 'Select Window' choice, 'Frame : 0' from 'Select Parent' choice, 'Visible' radio button and click the 'SetDetails' button.

      (4)This should open a Window which should be blocked by the Dialog.Now click the 'Show Desktop' icon on the task bar (GNOME panel). The Frame and Dialog should be minimized. Click on task bar icon for the window. All the windows must be shown back on screen. If the behavior mentioned above does not happen, click assertion failed and enter remarks

      Actual behavior:

      At step (4),After clicking the ShowDesktop the window doesn't be minimized .refer to 11.jpg and 22.jpg.

      1)The build jdk6u65b10 on the same platform have the same issue.

      2)But we use the latest jdk8b108 on the same platform ,all the Frame and Dialog and window are all minimized.

      3)We passed this case against jdk6u65b11,because the case description can not mention the window .

        1. 11.png
          281 kB
          Tony Li
        2. 22.png
          727 kB
          Tony Li
        3. testlist.fail
          0.1 kB
          Tony Li

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