If a superclass A has an instance class foo() and a subclass B extends A has a static method with the same name and signature (see example code below), JNI_GetMethodID stops the lookup once it finds a matching method from class B and throws NoSuchMethodException since B.foo is a static method.
class A {
protected void foo() {
class B extends A {
private static void foo() {
System.out.println("private static B.foo()");
javac will fail to compile the above and this requires patching the bytecode to get to this test case.
This is related to the issue reported at
Another issue when the subclass has a private "foo" instance method and its superclass also defines an instance "foo", the bytecode invocation of invokevirtual will ignore the private method and use the non-private foo method in the superclass.
The spec of JNI_GetMethodID should also be clarified whether it will ignore the private method in this case.
class A {
protected void foo() {
class B extends A {
private static void foo() {
System.out.println("private static B.foo()");
javac will fail to compile the above and this requires patching the bytecode to get to this test case.
This is related to the issue reported at
Another issue when the subclass has a private "foo" instance method and its superclass also defines an instance "foo", the bytecode invocation of invokevirtual will ignore the private method and use the non-private foo method in the superclass.
The spec of JNI_GetMethodID should also be clarified whether it will ignore the private method in this case.
- relates to
JDK-8027351 (ref) Private finalize method invoked in preference to protected superclass method
- Resolved
JDK-8027271 Verifier fails to catch a subclass overriding a final method with static method
- Closed