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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8028122

[TESTBUG] compiler/regalloc/C1ObjectSpillInLogicOp.java


    • b63

        C1ObjectSpillInLogicOp class should be public.

        command: main -XX:+UseG1GC C1ObjectSpillInLogicOp G1 barriers use logical operators (xor) on T_OBJECT mixed with T_LONG or T_INT. The current implementation of logical operations on x86 in C1 doesn't allow for long operands to be on stack. There is a special code in the register allocator that forces long arguments in registers on x86. However T_OBJECT can be spilled just fine, and in that case the xor emission will fail.
        reason: User specified action: run main/othervm -XX:+UseG1GC C1ObjectSpillInLogicOp G1 barriers use logical operators (xor) on T_OBJECT mixed with T_LONG or T_INT. The current implementation of logical operations on x86 in C1 doesn't allow for long operands to be on stack. There is a special code in the register allocator that forces long arguments in registers on x86. However T_OBJECT can be spilled just fine, and in that case the xor emission will fail.
        elapsed time (seconds): 2.892
        java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class com.sun.javatest.regtest.MainWrapper$MainThread can not access a member of class C1ObjectSpillInLogicOp with modifiers "public static"
        at sun.reflect.Reflection.ensureMemberAccess(Reflection.java:101)
        at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.slowCheckMemberAccess(AccessibleObject.java:295)
        at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkAccess(AccessibleObject.java:287)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:476)
        at com.sun.javatest.regtest.MainWrapper$MainThread.run(MainWrapper.java:94)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744)

        JavaTest Message: Verify that the class defining the test is
        JavaTest Message: declared public (test invoked via reflection)

        STATUS:Error.java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class com.sun.javatest.regtest.MainWrapper$MainThread can not access a member of class C1ObjectSpillInLogicOp with modifiers "public static"
        result: Error. java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class com.sun.javatest.regtest.MainWrapper$MainThread can not access a member of class C1ObjectSpillInLogicOp with modifiers "public static"

              iignatyev Igor Ignatyev (Inactive)
              iignatyev Igor Ignatyev (Inactive)
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