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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8029042

Receiver parameter not supported on local class constructor


    • b19
    • Verified

        If an inner class is a member, then a receiver parameter works fine:

        class Top {
          class Inner {
            Inner(Top Top.this) {}

        but if the inner class is local:

        class Top {
          void m() {
            class Inner {
              Inner(Top Top.this) {}

        then javac (JDK8 b116) gets confused - it thinks Inner is top level:

        error: receiver parameter not applicable for constructor of top-level class
              Inner(Top Top.this) {}

        This is a bug. A local class is a perfectly good inner class - the ctor of Top$1Inner.class even takes a Top - so its constructor ought to permit a receiver parameter. This is even true when the local class is inside a default method of an interface - in that case, the type of the receiver parameter is the interface. (As of JLS8, it is legal to say InterfaceName.this inside a default method of an interface.)

              pgovereau Paul Govereau (Inactive)
              abuckley Alex Buckley
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              9 Start watching this issue
