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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8029327

When loading the game it throws java.lang.NullPointerException,but the game can be played


    • b09
    • x86
    • solaris

      Testsuite name: Applet Compatibility
      JDK/JRE tested:6u71b08(jre-6u71-solaris-sparc.sh)
      OS/architecture:Solaris 10 sun4u

      case name:

      #Steps to reproduce:

      1.Browse http://www.flyordie.com/snooker/index.html
      2.Proceed to play Snooker free
      3.Click "Play Now!" or choose any available room to play the game
      4.Login to the site
      5.Select rooms to play
      6.Play the game, test the applet using all features and functionality
      7.Check the Java Console for warnings, errors


      at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployManifestChecker.verifyCodebase(Unknown Source)
      at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployManifestChecker.verifyApplicationLibraryAllowableCodebase(Unknown Source)
      at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployManifestChecker.verify(Unknown Source)
      at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployManifestChecker.verify(Unknown Source)
      at com.sun.deploy.security.TrustDecider.isAllPermissionGranted(Unknown Source)
      at com.sun.deploy.security.TrustDecider.isAllPermissionGranted(Unknown Source)
      at com.sun.deploy.security.TrustDecider.isAllPermissionGranted(Unknown Source)
      at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.isAppletSigned(Unknown Source)
      at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)
      at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

      #Actual results:
      When loading the game it throws java.lang.NullPointerException,but the game can be played.Please refer to treasurepleasure.jpg and treasurepleasure.txt.


      same configuration/6u33 fcs b04-------PASS
      same configuration/6u65 fcs b14----------PASS
      same configuration/6u71 fcs b07------------Failed as the same issue
      same JRE( x32 bit ), WinVista x86, IE 9------------Failed as the same issue

        1. snooker.jpg
          198 kB
        2. snooker.txt
          31 kB

            dbuck David Buck
            tolli Tony Li (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
