These tests start a VM with -XX:MaxHeapSize= and -XX:OldSize= to very high values and then uses jmap (both live and core, where available) to check that OldSize is the desired value.
Example error:
nsk.share.TestFailure: Unexpected value of key OldSize: '1335885824', expected '1744830464'
This has been seen intermittently since b116
Priority justification:
ILW = MMM => P3
Link to failure:
Link to test history:
Matching rules:
RULE tmtools/jmap/heap_config/jmap_heap_config_huge_OldSize_core Exception nsk.share.TestFailure: Unexpected value of key OldSize: ..., expected ...
RULE tmtools/jmap/heap_config/jmap_heap_config_huge_OldSize_live Exception nsk.share.TestFailure: Unexpected value of key OldSize: ..., expected ...
Example error:
nsk.share.TestFailure: Unexpected value of key OldSize: '1335885824', expected '1744830464'
This has been seen intermittently since b116
Priority justification:
ILW = MMM => P3
Link to failure:
Link to test history:
Matching rules:
RULE tmtools/jmap/heap_config/jmap_heap_config_huge_OldSize_core Exception nsk.share.TestFailure: Unexpected value of key OldSize: ..., expected ...
RULE tmtools/jmap/heap_config/jmap_heap_config_huge_OldSize_live Exception nsk.share.TestFailure: Unexpected value of key OldSize: ..., expected ...
- duplicates
JDK-8029032 Heap statistics reported by MX Beans don't match statistics reported by jmap -heap
- Resolved