Resolution: Fixed
Reported by Stephan Herrmann:
class A {}
class B extends A { void bar() {} }
public class X {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
someWithIndex(getList(), (B b) -> b.bar()); // HERE
interface ItemWithIndexVisitor<E> {
public void visit(E item);
public static <G> void someWithIndex(List<G> list, ItemWithIndexVisitor<G> visitor) {}
static <I extends A> List<I> getList() { return null; }
javac accepts this program, but I don't see how:
During invocation type inference for the marked call I get the following:
The set C contains:
constraint1: ⟨getList() ⊆throws java.util.List<G#0>⟩
constraint2: ⟨(B b) -> b.bar() ⊆throws X.ItemWithIndexVisitor<G#0>⟩
Input variables:
constraint1: none
constraint2: none
Output variables:
constraint1: G#0
constraint2: G#0
No input-output dependencies, so both constraints are picked.
The union of input variables is empty, nothing gets resolved nor substituted
=> constraints remain as given above.
During reduction of constraint2 we fail because of the unsubstituted
inference variable G#0.
This happens at 18.2.5 bullet 3:
one "of the function type's parameter types is not a proper type" -> FALSE
class A {}
class B extends A { void bar() {} }
public class X {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
someWithIndex(getList(), (B b) -> b.bar()); // HERE
interface ItemWithIndexVisitor<E> {
public void visit(E item);
public static <G> void someWithIndex(List<G> list, ItemWithIndexVisitor<G> visitor) {}
static <I extends A> List<I> getList() { return null; }
javac accepts this program, but I don't see how:
During invocation type inference for the marked call I get the following:
The set C contains:
constraint1: ⟨getList() ⊆throws java.util.List<G#0>⟩
constraint2: ⟨(B b) -> b.bar() ⊆throws X.ItemWithIndexVisitor<G#0>⟩
Input variables:
constraint1: none
constraint2: none
Output variables:
constraint1: G#0
constraint2: G#0
No input-output dependencies, so both constraints are picked.
The union of input variables is empty, nothing gets resolved nor substituted
=> constraints remain as given above.
During reduction of constraint2 we fail because of the unsubstituted
inference variable G#0.
This happens at 18.2.5 bullet 3:
one "of the function type's parameter types is not a proper type" -> FALSE