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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8031465

Applet fails to load images and audio clips.


    • b124
    • Verified

         Step to reproduce
          1. Ensure you have web server installed in listening on port 8080.
          2. Add IP mapping for you server " dan"
          5. Unpack attached archive in web root folder.

        II Steps:

        Test case 1:

        test_8031465.zip or testacse.zip

         1. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/Tests/Test_FakeCodebase/html/success/start.html
         2. Check the security warning dialog "Do you want to run this application? " is shown.
         3. Check that locations section contains 2 URLs : http://dan:8080 and http://localhost:8080
         4. Click "Run"

         EXPECTED: Image is shown.
          ACTUAL: AccessControlException is thrown (see console). Image is not shown

        Test case 2:


         1. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/Tests/Test_FakeCodebase/html/success/startAudio.html
         2. Check the security warning dialog "Do you want to run this application? " is shown.
         3. Check that locations section contains 2 URLs : http://dan:8080 and http://localhost:8080
         4. Click "Run"

         EXPECTED: Applet is loaded.
         ACTUAL: AccessControlException is thrown (see console). Applet is no loaded.

        Reproduced on jdk8u5-b03 and jdk8-b123 builds.

          1. webrev.zip
            116 kB
          2. testcase.zip
            6 kB
          3. test_8031465.zip
            150 kB

              dtitov Daniil Titov (Inactive)
              dtitov Daniil Titov (Inactive)
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