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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8033696

"assert(thread != NULL) failed: just checking" due to Thread::current() and JNI pthread interaction


    • b10
    • x86_64
    • generic

        JNI code is using pthread_key_create with a destructor to detach the thread from the JVM when the thread is exiting.

        This solution works well when running on Solaris or a 32 bit JVM on Linux, but when run on 64 bit JVM on Linux the threads hang when detaching.

        For 64 bit Linux the JVM is also using the pthread_key_create, to store the

        Thread::current() value in a thread local storage.

        Since the thread local storage containing the thread pointer is erased (by pthread) before the JNI destructor runs, we run detachCurrentThread on a thread that has NULL as current thread.

        With a product build this breaks locks/monitors, and the threads hang. With a debug build an assert in Thread::current() is hit instead.

        Everything works if detachCurrentThread is called from the main logic instead.

          1. callback_jni.tar.gz
            3 kB
          2. runMac.sh
            0.6 kB
          3. thread_pointer.patch
            0.7 kB

              aeriksso Andreas Eriksson (Inactive)
              asaha Abhijit Saha
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              7 Start watching this issue
