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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8035068

For 5-1 step: if input something into the 'File:' and 'Dir:', the dir output isn't empty in the output window after showing and canceling the file dialog


    • x86
    • windows_7

      Testsuite name: Regression
      JDK/JRE tested: JDK7u55b08(64bit)
      OS/architecture: win7-sp1-x64
      Reproducible: Always
      Reproducible on machine: win7-sp1-x64
      Test run log location:http://jsqalab.us.oracle.com/results/Evergreen/7u55/b08/regression/win7-sp1-x64/results-awt-part5/workDir/java/awt/FileDialog/FileDialogReturnTest/FileDialogReturnTest.jtr

      Steps to reproduce:
      1.Download regression workspace from http://jre.sfbay.sun.com/java/re/jdk/7u55/promoted/fcs/b08/ws/jdk/test/to c:/regression
      2. Install test bundle JDK7u55b08 (download from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/7u55/promoted/fcs/b08/bundles/windows-amd64/jdk-7u55-windows-x64.exe ) to C:/Java/jdk1.7.0_55
      3.download and unzip Jtreg from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jtreg/4.1/promoted/fcs/b02/bundles/jtreg_bin-4.1.zip locate at C:/regression
      4.Create the script regression.sh as follows and run it
      export JT_JAVA=C:/Java/jdk1.7.0_55
      C:/regression/jtreg/win32/bin/jtreg -v -m -ignore:quiet -jdk:C:/regression/jdk1.7.0_55 -r:C:/regression/results/reportDir -w:C:/regression/results/workDir C:/regression/test/java/awt/FileDialog/FileDialogReturnTest/FileDialogReturnTest.html

       1. The test shows the 'FileDialogReturnTest' applet which contains two text fields and one button,
       2. Input something into the 'File:' text field or just keep the field empty,
       3. Input something into the 'Dir:' text field or just keep the field empty,
       4. Press the 'Show' button and a file dialog will appear,
       5-1. Cancel the file dialog, e.g. by selecting the 'close' menu item,
       If the output window shows that 'file'/'dir' values is null then the test passes, otherwise the test fails,
       5-2. Select any file, e.g. by pressing the 'OK' button, If the output window shows that 'file'/'dir' values is not-null then the test passes, otherwise the test fails.

      Actual behavior:
      1) For 5-1 step: if input something into the 'File:' and 'Dir:', the dir output isn't empty in the output window after showing and canceling the file dialog refer to FileDialogReturnTest.jpg.
      2) For 5-1 step: if keep the 'File:' and 'Dir:' field empty, it is pass.

      7u45b09(64bit) on solaris10-sparc: pass
      8b104(64bit) on Mac10.9: pass

            pchelko Petr Pchelko (Inactive)
            tolli Tony Li (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
