The HotSpot VM contains some debugging helper functions which can be called during a live debugging session. One of these functions ("find(intptr_t x)" in debug.cpp) calls os::print_location() which tries very hard to print some useful information for a given pointer (e.g. if the pointer points into the Java heap, the function will call "print_on()" for the corresponding oop which provides a lot of useful meta-information for that object). This functionality is not only restricted to live debugging. It is for example also used in the hs_err reporting in the "Register to memory mapping" section.
In the past (i.e. before the PermGen removal in HS25) os::print_location() worked equally well for true Java objects and meta objects (like Symbols, Klass mirrors, etc.) because these meta objects were stores as plain oops in the permanent generation of the Java heap. However, after the permgen removal, his metadata is now stored in the so called "Metaspace" which currently does not allow for a reverse mapping of a native pointer back to the owning meta object. The consequence is that os::print_location() currently only prints "is pointing into metadata" for all native pointers pointing into the metaspace.
This change transparently adds a tag in front of every MetaspaceObj which contains the object's size and type. Together with a dispatching method which is necessary because some of the classes in the MetaspaceObj type hierarchy don't have a virtual function table it becomes now possible to walk and print all the MetaspaceObj objects in a typesafe way.
Of course, tagging each MetaspaceObj adds some space overhead but in my opinion, this overhead is not very big. I've done some measuring (with -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+Verbose) and found that on 64-bit platforms the tagging consumes about 4% additional 'used' metaspace, but only about 3% additional committed metaspace memory (that's probably because we waste some space anyway because of chunking).
On 32-bit, the overhead is a little bigger - currently about 6%. However that's because of the fact that although a Metaword is only 32 bit on a 32-bit platform, the memory allocated for MetaspaceObjs is kept 64-bit aligned. In order to keep the prototype simple, the current implementation just uses two Metawords for the tag (altough one would be enough to hold the tag information). Changing this is possible and could theoretically lead to an even smaller overhead on 32-bit platforms compared to 64-bit ones (because we could use the otherwise wasted Metaword in about 50% of the allocations). Unfortunately, the current Metaspace implementation does the padding to 64-bit before the actual allocation which makes it a little tricky to implement the tagging. The solution would be to not pad the MetaspaceObj's size to 64-bit but instead align their starting address during allocation.
The current implementation is protected with "NOT_PRODUCT" and switchable at startup with -XX:+UseMetaspaceTags. If metaspace tagging is switched on, we now can call "find()" in the debugger for a metaspace address and get again an output as attached at the end of this writing.
Also the output in the "Register to memory mapping" section of the hs_err file can now contain more useful information (i.e. see the line for "R13" which was simple "is pointing into metadata" before):
Register to memory mapping:
RAX=0x0000000854bf6698 is an unknown value
R11=0x00007fbb412312c0 is at entry_point+32 in (nmethod*)0x00007fbb41231150
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13=0x00007fbb552ed9e7 is pointing into metadata (start=0x00007fbb552ed9b0, size=2, tag=9, type=ConstMethod)
- method: 0x00007fbb552eda00 {method} {0x00007fbb552eda00} '<clinit>' '()V' in 'sun/font/FontManagerNativeLibrary'
R14=0x00007fbb19345d08 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007fbae400b800
As a future enhancement and if we decide to make this permanent feature (i.e. not switachable at startup) this could also be implemented more elegantly by simply storing the actual size and type of every object directly in the 'MetaspaceObj'. Another possibility would be to store just the object size in 'MetaspaceObj' and add virtual print() function, although that would probably require even more overhead.
Below you can see the output of the debugger helper function "find()" with the new metaspace tagging implementation when called during a live debugging session:
(gdb) call find(0x00007fffec41d4c0)
"Executing find"
0x00007fffec41d4c0 is pointing into metadata (start=0x00007fffec41d4c0, size=5, tag=8, type=Method)
- this oop: 0x00007fffec41d4c0
- method holder: synchronized 'IntLoopWithGC'
- constants: 0x00007fffec41d098 constant pool [78] {0x00007fffec41d098} for synchronized 'IntLoopWithGC' cache=0x00007fffec41d698
- access: 0xc0000008 static
- name: 'loop'
- signature: '(I)V'
(gdb) call find(0xafdda210)
"Executing find"
0xafdda210 is pointing into metadata (start=0xafdda210, size=2, tag=5, type=TypeArrayU4)
0: 0xafdda300
1: 0xafdda260
2: 0xafdda3f8
(gdb) call find(0xafdda2a0)
"Executing find"
0xafdda2a0 is pointing into metadata (start=0xafdda2a0, size=20, tag=9, type=ConstMethod)
- method: 0xafdda300 {method} {0xafdda300} 'loop' '(I)V' in synchronized 'IntLoopWithGC'
- stackmap data: Array<T>(0xafdda340)
(gdb) call findpc(0x00007fffec41d300)
"Executing findpc"
0x00007fffec41d300 is pointing into metadata (start=0x00007fffec41d098, size=82, tag=11, type=ConstantPool)
{constant pool}
- holder: 0x0000000100060038
- cache: 0x00007fffec41d698
- resolved_references: 0x00000000d6bd8000
- reference_map: 0x00007fffec41d870
- 1 : Method : klass_index=23 name_and_type_index=39
- 2 : Integer : 1000000
- 3 : Field : klass_index=22 name_and_type_index=40
In the past (i.e. before the PermGen removal in HS25) os::print_location() worked equally well for true Java objects and meta objects (like Symbols, Klass mirrors, etc.) because these meta objects were stores as plain oops in the permanent generation of the Java heap. However, after the permgen removal, his metadata is now stored in the so called "Metaspace" which currently does not allow for a reverse mapping of a native pointer back to the owning meta object. The consequence is that os::print_location() currently only prints "is pointing into metadata" for all native pointers pointing into the metaspace.
This change transparently adds a tag in front of every MetaspaceObj which contains the object's size and type. Together with a dispatching method which is necessary because some of the classes in the MetaspaceObj type hierarchy don't have a virtual function table it becomes now possible to walk and print all the MetaspaceObj objects in a typesafe way.
Of course, tagging each MetaspaceObj adds some space overhead but in my opinion, this overhead is not very big. I've done some measuring (with -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+Verbose) and found that on 64-bit platforms the tagging consumes about 4% additional 'used' metaspace, but only about 3% additional committed metaspace memory (that's probably because we waste some space anyway because of chunking).
On 32-bit, the overhead is a little bigger - currently about 6%. However that's because of the fact that although a Metaword is only 32 bit on a 32-bit platform, the memory allocated for MetaspaceObjs is kept 64-bit aligned. In order to keep the prototype simple, the current implementation just uses two Metawords for the tag (altough one would be enough to hold the tag information). Changing this is possible and could theoretically lead to an even smaller overhead on 32-bit platforms compared to 64-bit ones (because we could use the otherwise wasted Metaword in about 50% of the allocations). Unfortunately, the current Metaspace implementation does the padding to 64-bit before the actual allocation which makes it a little tricky to implement the tagging. The solution would be to not pad the MetaspaceObj's size to 64-bit but instead align their starting address during allocation.
The current implementation is protected with "NOT_PRODUCT" and switchable at startup with -XX:+UseMetaspaceTags. If metaspace tagging is switched on, we now can call "find()" in the debugger for a metaspace address and get again an output as attached at the end of this writing.
Also the output in the "Register to memory mapping" section of the hs_err file can now contain more useful information (i.e. see the line for "R13" which was simple "is pointing into metadata" before):
Register to memory mapping:
RAX=0x0000000854bf6698 is an unknown value
R11=0x00007fbb412312c0 is at entry_point+32 in (nmethod*)0x00007fbb41231150
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13=0x00007fbb552ed9e7 is pointing into metadata (start=0x00007fbb552ed9b0, size=2, tag=9, type=ConstMethod)
- method: 0x00007fbb552eda00 {method} {0x00007fbb552eda00} '<clinit>' '()V' in 'sun/font/FontManagerNativeLibrary'
R14=0x00007fbb19345d08 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007fbae400b800
As a future enhancement and if we decide to make this permanent feature (i.e. not switachable at startup) this could also be implemented more elegantly by simply storing the actual size and type of every object directly in the 'MetaspaceObj'. Another possibility would be to store just the object size in 'MetaspaceObj' and add virtual print() function, although that would probably require even more overhead.
Below you can see the output of the debugger helper function "find()" with the new metaspace tagging implementation when called during a live debugging session:
(gdb) call find(0x00007fffec41d4c0)
"Executing find"
0x00007fffec41d4c0 is pointing into metadata (start=0x00007fffec41d4c0, size=5, tag=8, type=Method)
- this oop: 0x00007fffec41d4c0
- method holder: synchronized 'IntLoopWithGC'
- constants: 0x00007fffec41d098 constant pool [78] {0x00007fffec41d098} for synchronized 'IntLoopWithGC' cache=0x00007fffec41d698
- access: 0xc0000008 static
- name: 'loop'
- signature: '(I)V'
(gdb) call find(0xafdda210)
"Executing find"
0xafdda210 is pointing into metadata (start=0xafdda210, size=2, tag=5, type=TypeArrayU4)
0: 0xafdda300
1: 0xafdda260
2: 0xafdda3f8
(gdb) call find(0xafdda2a0)
"Executing find"
0xafdda2a0 is pointing into metadata (start=0xafdda2a0, size=20, tag=9, type=ConstMethod)
- method: 0xafdda300 {method} {0xafdda300} 'loop' '(I)V' in synchronized 'IntLoopWithGC'
- stackmap data: Array<T>(0xafdda340)
(gdb) call findpc(0x00007fffec41d300)
"Executing findpc"
0x00007fffec41d300 is pointing into metadata (start=0x00007fffec41d098, size=82, tag=11, type=ConstantPool)
{constant pool}
- holder: 0x0000000100060038
- cache: 0x00007fffec41d698
- resolved_references: 0x00000000d6bd8000
- reference_map: 0x00007fffec41d870
- 1 : Method : klass_index=23 name_and_type_index=39
- 2 : Integer : 1000000
- 3 : Field : klass_index=22 name_and_type_index=40
- relates to
JDK-8072061 Automatically determine optimal sizes for the CDS regions
- Closed