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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8037483

issue with the crypto / sec zip unzipping in the jdk8 build


    • b119
    • 8
    • b06
    • generic
    • linux

        issue with the crypto / sec zip unzipping in the jdk8 build .

        Thought about posting this to build-dev but I think the Open vs. Commercial JDK looks a little bit different regarding these zips so it might not be a problem in OpenJDK8 .

        In a scratch build everything works nicely .

        But in incremental builds I was running e.g. on Linux into unzip "asking" me on the shell :

        replace my-sec-relevant-file.class? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: NULL

        in Import.gmk :

        define unzip-sec-file

                        $(ECHO) Unzipping $(<F)
                        $(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
                        $(RM) $@
                        ($(CD) $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR) && $(UNZIP) $< > $@.tmp)
                        $(MV) $@.tmp $@


        (when importing the sec-bin.zip ).

        When adding a "-o" after $(UNZIP) there (overwrite without prompting) in the UNZIP call like we have in the other places :

        /jdksrcdir/18/jdk/make> grep -nH -r UNZIP *
        CompileDemos.gmk:447: $(CD) $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/demo && $(UNZIP) -q -o $<
        Images.gmk:549: cd $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/db && $(UNZIP) -q -o $< -x */index.html */KEYS */test/* *javadoc/* */docs/* */demo/* 2> /dev/null
        Import.gmk:255: ($(CD) $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR) && $(UNZIP) $< > $@.tmp)

        Possibly related to JDK-8027566 where unzip-sec-file was added in jdk8 b119??

        The problem goes away .

              erikj Erik Joelsson
              msusko Mark Susko (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
