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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8038084

CertStore needs a way to add new CertStore types


    • b65
    • Verified

        This bug requests that the means to support CertStore types beyond "Collection" be re-examined so that it will work cleanly with modules.

        As things currently stand (early JDK 9) then reflection is used to load LDAPCertStoreHelper, if that succeeds then the "LDAP" type is supported, if it doesn't then the LDAP type is not supported. This approach is okay for Compact Profiles in JDK 8 but is problematic for modules because LDAPCertStoreHelper will not be exported by the JNDI/LDAP module.

        One approach to consider is using ServiceLoader so that additional CertStore type can be added by deploying the appropriate service provider. If there are security concerns then the service type could be a type that is not exported -- see sun.util.xml.PlatformXmlPropertiesProvider for one example.

              valeriep Valerie Peng
              alanb Alan Bateman
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
