Resolution: Duplicate
jre8u5 b13 64bit+Mac OS 10.9 (x64)+latest safari 7
Testsuite name:common
JRE/JDK build:jre8u5 b13 64bit
OS/architecture: Mac OS 10.9 (x64)
1.Install test JRE ( it should supports "Enable Java" feature ), do the next preparation settings:
User A's Java is enabled.
User O1's Java is enabled.
2.Then login as User A, disable Java
3.Check sample applets/javaws apps under user A and O1. Check expected behavior 4 - 11 for users A and O1
4.(ONLY apply to JDK 8 and JDK7 version 7u11 and later: Before applets/javaws applications get launched, a security warning dialog will pop-up asking you if you want to run the application. Click "Run" to accept.)
5.Run sample applets and make sure that it's blocked ( browser will behave as if java plugin is not installed ):
6.Skip this assertaion on Unix and Linux (Applies to Windows and Mac Only). Try to start javaws application SUITE_DIR/new_framework/tests/common/manual/disableJavaManual_NonMultipleJRE/jnlp/testJavawsLaunchOnCLI.jnlp from windows explorer, make sure jnlp association is blocked
#The actual result:
Java is still Enabled for user O1, and the applications in step 5 and step 6 can't be blocked.
JRE/JDK build:jre8u5 b13 64bit
OS/architecture: Mac OS 10.9 (x64)
1.Install test JRE ( it should supports "Enable Java" feature ), do the next preparation settings:
User A's Java is enabled.
User O1's Java is enabled.
2.Then login as User A, disable Java
3.Check sample applets/javaws apps under user A and O1. Check expected behavior 4 - 11 for users A and O1
4.(ONLY apply to JDK 8 and JDK7 version 7u11 and later: Before applets/javaws applications get launched, a security warning dialog will pop-up asking you if you want to run the application. Click "Run" to accept.)
5.Run sample applets and make sure that it's blocked ( browser will behave as if java plugin is not installed ):
6.Skip this assertaion on Unix and Linux (Applies to Windows and Mac Only). Try to start javaws application SUITE_DIR/new_framework/tests/common/manual/disableJavaManual_NonMultipleJRE/jnlp/testJavawsLaunchOnCLI.jnlp from windows explorer, make sure jnlp association is blocked
#The actual result:
Java is still Enabled for user O1, and the applications in step 5 and step 6 can't be blocked.
- duplicates
JDK-8029309 [macosx] Java Control Panel unable to perform tasks requiring admin privileges
- Resolved
JDK-8015393 Step 8:The application will be blocked for S1 users.
- Closed