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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8039261

[TEST_BUG]: There is not a minimal security level in Java Preferences and the TestApplet.html is blocked.


    • b18
    • x86_64

        Testsuite name: Regression
        JDK/JRE tested: JDK8u20b07(64bit)
        OS/architecture: oel6.4-uek-x64
        Reproducible: Always
        Reproducible on machine: oel6.4-uek-x64

        (1) Install the tested JDK to be used by the Java Plugin.
        (2) Open Java Preferences and set security level to minimal.
        (3) Open the TestApplet.html in Firefox in firefox web browser. It is located at:
        (5) Continue the test according to the instructions in the applet.

        Actual behavior:
         For step(2):There is no minimal security level in Java Preferences refer to controlpanel.jpg.
         For step(3):The 'Java Application Blocked' dialog appear when we open the TestApplet.html in Firefox refer to block.jpg.

        Validation:It has same issue from 8u20b05(64bit).

          1. block.jpg
            196 kB
            Tony Li
          2. controlpanel.jpg
            198 kB
            Tony Li

              azvegint Alexander Zvegintsev
              tolli Tony Li (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              12 Start watching this issue
