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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8039857

Use Custom SSLSocketFactorys for controlling deployment's TLS/SSL protocols.


      As I understand it, here's what is currently implemented in JDK8.

      1. If https.protocols was set before the plugin/webstart starts, the JCP values are ignored. Otherwise https.protocols is set to the JCP values. A custom SSLSocketFactory is installed as the default:


      2. A regular plaintext socket will be created and connected to the server.

      3. This default SSLSocketFactory will create a SSLSocket overlay.

      4. If https.protocols is set, sslSocket.setEnabled(protocols) will be called, overriding whatever protocols were set by the SSLSocketFactory in place.

      I disagree with the approach taken by deploy to use https.protocols instead of the default SSLSocketFactory do the protocol configuration. Deployment's customized SSLSocketFactory should set the JCP-specified values, and call setEnabledProtocols directly.

            herrick Andy Herrick (Inactive)
            wetmore Bradford Wetmore
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