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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8042244

Re-examine the supportedness of non-SE org.w3c.dom.** API


    • b61

        JDK 8 includes 11 org.w3c.dom.** packages:

        Only five of them are endorsed in Java SE 8:

        This issue is to re-examine the supportedness of the six non-endorsed packages. After all, most of the non-endorsed packages are included in the Java Plug-in's "Common DOM API" [1] which is referenced from the Java Tutorial [2] and the JDK Deployment Guide [3] :

        (org.w3c.dom.xpath is the sole non-endorsed package not included in the Common DOM API.)

        [1] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/jre/api/plugin/dom/
        [2] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/decision_guide.html
        [3] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/applet/manipulatingDOMFromApplet.html

        Until this issue is resolved, the java.xml module in JDK 9 will include all 11 packages but export only the five endorsed packages. The above docs should also be updated per the resolution of this bug.

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              joehw Joe Wang
              mchung Mandy Chung (Inactive)
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