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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8044240

Embedding dialog and NPE when loading an applet the first time


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      It is noticed in jre8u20, when invoking most, if not all, applets the first time, there is a NPE related to the embedding dialog type. NPE shown in java console due to either Dialog type is not candidate for embedding or Embedding dialogs not enabled in Configuration.

      The NPE does not show if you run the same applet again. To make it re-appear again, javaws -uninstall to clean the deployment cache

      The issue is a regression since jre8u20-b13

      *** Test Configurations:
      - x86 Win 7
      - All browser
      - jre 8u20-b16

      *** Steps to reproduce:
      0) Install jre 8u20-b16
      1) Enable tracing, java console
      2) Use any browser to load java.com verification appelt
      3) Accept to run at the security dialog

      If you find the follow NPE from java console, the issue is reproducible:
      Dialog type is not candidate for embedding
      at sun.awt.windows.WWindowPeer.getActiveWindowHandles(Unknown Source)
      at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.eventLoop(Native Method)
      at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(Unknown Source)

      - For other unsigned applets from the web using ESL to run, the same NPE from java console
      but for Embedding dialogs not enabled in Configuration

      The issue does not occur if using 8u20-b12 or earlier build

            alexsch Alexandr Scherbatiy
            hungnguy Hung Nguyen (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
