Resolution: Fixed
Description about jvisualvm appears as a supported tool in "Standard JDK
Tools and Utilities" part and "Java Troubleshooting, Profiling, Monitoring
and Management Tools" section in the following "JDK Tools and Utilities"
document for JDK 6.
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/index.html ..... (for
JDK 6)
Standard JDK Tools and Utilities
Basic Tools (javac, java, javadoc, apt, appletviewer, jar, jdb, javah, javap,
Security Tools (keytool, jarsigner, policytool, kinit, klist, ktab)
Internationalization Tools (native2ascii)
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Tools (rmic, rmiregistry, rmid, serialver)
Java IDL and RMI-IIOP Tools (tnameserv, idlj, orbd, servertool)
Java Deployment Tools (pack200, unpack200)
Java Plug-in Tools (htmlconverter)
Java Web Start Tools (javaws)
Java Troubleshooting, Profiling, Monitoring and Management Tools (JConsole,
Java VisualVM) <---- "Java VisualVM" appears here
Java Web Services Tools (schemagen, wsgen, wsimport, xjc)
Java Troubleshooting, Profiling, Monitoring and Management Tools
Tool Name Brief Description
jvisualvm A graphical tool ... <---- description about jvisualvm appears
jconsole A JMX-compliant graphical tool ...
On the other hand, no any descriptions appear in the "JDK Tools and
Utilities" document for JDK 7.
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/index.html ..... (for
JDK 7)
The descriptions about jvisualvm should be added in the "JDK Tools and
Utilities" document for JDK 7 as well as for JDK 6.
Document Location
The descriptions about jvisualvm should be added in the "JDK Tools and
Utilities" document for JDK 7 as well as for JDK 6. See above.
Tools and Utilities" part and "Java Troubleshooting, Profiling, Monitoring
and Management Tools" section in the following "JDK Tools and Utilities"
document for JDK 6.
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/index.html ..... (for
JDK 6)
Standard JDK Tools and Utilities
Basic Tools (javac, java, javadoc, apt, appletviewer, jar, jdb, javah, javap,
Security Tools (keytool, jarsigner, policytool, kinit, klist, ktab)
Internationalization Tools (native2ascii)
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Tools (rmic, rmiregistry, rmid, serialver)
Java IDL and RMI-IIOP Tools (tnameserv, idlj, orbd, servertool)
Java Deployment Tools (pack200, unpack200)
Java Plug-in Tools (htmlconverter)
Java Web Start Tools (javaws)
Java Troubleshooting, Profiling, Monitoring and Management Tools (JConsole,
Java VisualVM) <---- "Java VisualVM" appears here
Java Web Services Tools (schemagen, wsgen, wsimport, xjc)
Java Troubleshooting, Profiling, Monitoring and Management Tools
Tool Name Brief Description
jvisualvm A graphical tool ... <---- description about jvisualvm appears
jconsole A JMX-compliant graphical tool ...
On the other hand, no any descriptions appear in the "JDK Tools and
Utilities" document for JDK 7.
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/index.html ..... (for
JDK 7)
The descriptions about jvisualvm should be added in the "JDK Tools and
Utilities" document for JDK 7 as well as for JDK 6.
Document Location
The descriptions about jvisualvm should be added in the "JDK Tools and
Utilities" document for JDK 7 as well as for JDK 6. See above.